Monthly Archives: December 2014

Create a date in your format in IOS

By | December 31, 2014

Below functions takes the current date and time and formats it to give a date-time string. You can customise it in the way you want. The string that the below function generates will be like this – 23-Dec-2014 4:23 PM Use “MMMM” for “December” and “MMM” for “Dec” in month.

How to connect Localhost in your MAC or Windows to your Android Device OR Android Emulator ?

By | December 7, 2014

The name “localhost” is just a loopback to your own computer. 1. ACCESSING LOCALHOST ON ANDROID DEVICE. To access it on your Android Device, you need to find the computer’s IP address. The most general way of finding this info, which works on both Mac and Linux, is to go into the Terminal and type… Read More »