Concurrency in Python

By | January 18, 2024

In Python, there are several ways to implement concurrency, allowing you to execute multiple tasks concurrently to improve the performance of your code. Here are some commonly used methods: Threading: Multiprocessing: Asyncio (asynchronous I/O): ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor: Choose the concurrency approach that best fits your specific use case, considering factors such as the nature of… Read More »

How to use BlockOperation in swift?

By | January 17, 2024

In Swift, BlockOperation is a subclass of Operation that allows you to encapsulate the code you want to execute concurrently. You can use it to create operations that consist of one or more blocks of code. Here’s an example of how to use BlockOperation: In this example: The OperationQueue takes care of managing the concurrent… Read More »

Write a program to merge two binary trees. Each node in the new tree should hold a value equal to the sum of the values of the corresponding nodes of the input trees. If only one input tree has a node in a given position, the corresponding node in the new tree should match that input node.

By | January 16, 2024

Asked by SalesForce JavaScript: Java: Python: These programs define a TreeNode class and a function (mergeTrees in JavaScript, mergeTrees method in Java, and merge_trees function in Python) to merge two binary trees following the specified rules. You can adapt these examples based on your specific requirements.

How to do navigation and data pass in swiftUI?

By | January 14, 2024

In SwiftUI, navigation is typically handled using the NavigationView and related components. Here’s a basic guide on how to perform navigation in SwiftUI: Basic Navigation with NavigationLink: 2. Creating NavigationLinks: 3. Creating the Destination View: 4. Putting it All Together: Passing Data with NavigationLink: 2. Receiving Data in Destination View:In the destination view, define a… Read More »

What are the difference between UIKit and SwiftUI in iOS?

By | January 14, 2024

UIKit and SwiftUI are both UI frameworks used in iOS development, but they differ significantly in terms of design, architecture, and development approach. Here are some key differences between UIKit and SwiftUI: 1. Declarative vs Imperative 2. UI Layout 3. Code re-usability 4. Live preview 5. UI Representation 6. State management 7. Adoption and Legacy… Read More »

How data is passed from one view to another in SwiftUI?

By | January 13, 2024

In SwiftUI, you can pass data from one view to another using the @State, @Binding, @ObservedObject, or @EnvironmentObject property wrappers. The appropriate choice depends on the nature of the data and the relationship between the views. Below are brief explanations and examples for each approach: 1. @State : Use @State to store simple values within… Read More »

Setting button actions programatically in Java, Python, JavaScript, SWIFT and Kotlin

By | January 9, 2024

Button action calls for an action when user tap on a button. This may be for making a service call, for doing some calculation or simply just to dismiss a view. Here are the different ways of setting button action in different languages. Java Python (TKinter) JavaScript: Swift Kotlin These examples demonstrate how to set… Read More »

Three common errors in Python programming along with examples

By | January 8, 2024

1. Syntax ErrorExample: 2. IndentationErrorExample: Explanation: Python relies on indentation to define block structures. The print statement is not properly indented under the if statement, leading to an indentation error. 3.NameErrorExample: Explanation: The variable y is not defined before trying to print it, resulting in a NameError. It’s worth noting that the examples provided are… Read More »

Convert a date from Central Standard Time (CST) to Indian Standard Time (IST)

By | January 2, 2024

To convert a date from Central Standard Time (CST) to Indian Standard Time (IST), you need to consider the time zone difference between these two zones. Below are examples in Swift : Swift: Java: Python: JavaScript: These examples assume a specific date and time format. You should adjust the date format and time zone identifiers… Read More »

Converting date into string format in Python, Javascript, Java and Ruby

By | December 30, 2023

Pythonfrom datetime import datetimedate_object = = date_object.strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)print(date_string) JavaScriptconst currentDate = new Date();const dateString = currentDate.toISOString(); // Adjust the format as neededconsole.log(dateString); Javaimport java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Date; public class DateToString {public static void main(String[] args) {Date currentDate = new Date();SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”);String dateString = dateFormat.format(currentDate);System.out.println(dateString);}} Rubyrequire ‘date’current_date = DateTime.nowdate_string = current_date.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’)puts date_string… Read More »

Given a string, return the length of the longest palindromic subsequence in the string- Asked by Google

By | December 21, 2023

Given a string, return the length of the longest palindromic subsequence in the string. For example, given the following string: MAPTPTMTPA Return 7, since the longest palindromic subsequence in the string is APTMTPA. Recall that a subsequence of a string does not have to be contiguous! Your algorithm should run in O(n^2) time and space.… Read More »

Implement a PrefixMapSum class with the following methods

By | July 5, 2023

insert(key: str, value: int): Set a given key’s value in the map. If the key already exists, overwrite the value. sum(prefix: str): Return the sum of all values of keys that begin with a given prefix. For example, you should be able to run the following code: mapsum.insert(“columnar”, 3) assert mapsum.sum(“col”) == 3 mapsum.insert(“column”, 2)… Read More »

Problem: You are given N identical eggs and access to a building with k floors. Your task is to find the lowest floor that will cause an egg to break, if dropped from that floor.

By | July 2, 2023

You are given N identical eggs and access to a building with k floors. Your task is to find the lowest floor that will cause an egg to break, if dropped from that floor. Once an egg breaks, it cannot be dropped again. If an egg breaks when dropped from the xth floor, you can… Read More »

Create an algorithm that arranges them in order to form the largest possible integer

By | July 2, 2023

Given a list of numbers, create an algorithm that arranges them in order to form the largest possible integer. For example, given [10, 7, 76, 415], you should return 77641510. Javascript function largestNumber(nums) {  nums.sort((a, b) => {    const order1 = String(a) + String(b);    const order2 = String(b) + String(a);    return order2.localeCompare(order1); … Read More »

Problem: There are N prisoners standing in a circle, waiting to be executed…

By | June 27, 2023

There are N prisoners standing in a circle, waiting to be executed. The executions are carried out starting with the kth person, and removing every successive kth person going clockwise until there is no one left. Given N and k, write an algorithm to determine where a prisoner should stand in order to be the… Read More »

Given a sorted array, find the smallest positive integer that is not the sum of a subset of the array.

By | June 27, 2023

Java public class SmallestPositiveInteger {    public static int findSmallestPositiveInteger(int[] nums) {        int smallest = 1;        for (int num : nums) {            if (num <= smallest) {                smallest += num;            } else… Read More »

Write a program to compute the in-order traversal of a binary tree using O(1) space.

By | June 25, 2023

Python Java Javascript These implementations use the Morris Traversal algorithm to perform in-order traversal without using any additional space other than O(1). The algorithm establishes temporary links between nodes and their predecessors, allowing efficient traversal and processing of the tree nodes. Note: The code examples assume that the tree nodes have a val, left, and… Read More »

Flutter vs. React Native: Unraveling the Performance Battle

By | June 25, 2023

Introduction: When it comes to developing cross-platform mobile applications, Flutter and React Native have emerged as the two dominant frameworks. As developers seek to create high-performing apps, it’s crucial to understand the performance capabilities of each framework. In this article, we will delve into the performance aspects of Flutter and React Native, examining their strengths… Read More »

Different ways of making rounded corner images in flutter

By | June 25, 2023

Example 1: ClipRRect dartCopy codeClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0), child: Image.asset(‘assets/images/image.jpg’), ) In this example, the ClipRRect widget is used to clip the child Image with rounded corners. The borderRadius property defines the radius of the corners. Example 2: BoxDecoration dartCopy codeContainer( decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0), image: DecorationImage( image: AssetImage(‘assets/images/image.jpg’), fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), ) Here, a… Read More »