Tag Archives: iOS

How to use privacySensitive in swiftUI?

By | August 27, 2024

SwiftUI lets us mark some parts of our view as containing sensitive information, which in practice allows us to hide or show it more easily using redaction. To use this feature in your code, first add the privacySensitive() modifier to any views that should be hidden, then apply the .redacted(reason: .privacy) modifier at a higher place in your view… Read More »

How to adjust text alignment using multilineTextAlignment()

By | August 13, 2024

Like many other text UI’s SwiftUI’s Text wraps across multiple lines, they align to their leading edge by default. You can change that behavior, by using swiftUI’s ‘multilineTextAlignment()’ modifier to specify an alternative like .center, .trailing etc. For example, this will center several lines of text as they wrap across lines: Let’s use a picker… Read More »

How to add advanced text styling using AttributedString in swiftUI?

By | August 5, 2024

In our previous post we talked about styling swiftUI text views with fonts, colors, line spacing and more. This time we will look deep into ‘AttributedString’. SwiftUI’s ‘Text’ view is able to render more advanced strings created using ‘AttributedString’ struct. This includes adding underlines, strike through, web links, background colours etc. We will show you… Read More »

Styling swiftUI text views with fonts, colors, line spacing and more

By | July 10, 2024

A text view draws a string in your app’s user interface using a body font that’s appropriate for the current platform. You can choose a different standard font, like title or caption, using the font(_:) view modifier. Text views give us predictably wide range of controls in terms of how they look. They are also designed to work seamlessly alongside core apple… Read More »

How to customise NavigationStack background in swiftUI?

By | June 22, 2024

The view background can extend to the corners of the view. This will affect the navigation bar background. This will go behind large and inline navigation bars. For example, in below example the background colour is applied to the whole screen, but it is covering the navigation bar background too. The new initializer introduced with… Read More »

How do I implement pull to refresh in SwiftUI?

By | June 11, 2024

There are two main approaches to implementing pull-to-refresh functionality in SwiftUI, depending on your SwiftUI version and desired level of customization: 1. Using the built-in refreshable modifier (iOS 16+) If you’re targeting iOS 16 and above, SwiftUI offers a built-in refreshable modifier that simplifies pull-to-refresh functionality for List and ScrollView. Here’s how to use it:… Read More »

How to use ‘AsyncImage’ in swiftUI?

By | May 27, 2024

AsyncImage is a component introduced in SwiftUI to handle the loading and displaying of remote images asynchronously. It simplifies the process of fetching images from the web, handling the loading state, and displaying a placeholder until the image is ready. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how AsyncImage works, its customisation options, and usage examples. Basic… Read More »

Core data stack in swift

By | April 28, 2024

In Swift, Core Data is a powerful framework provided by Apple for managing the model layer objects in an application. A Core Data stack refers to the set of objects and configurations used to interact with the Core Data framework. The Core Data stack typically consists of three main components: 2. Persistent Store Coordinator (PSC):… Read More »

What are optionals in swift?

By | March 14, 2024

In Swift, optionals are a powerful feature that allows variables or constants to have a value or be nil, indicating the absence of a value. Optionals are represented using the Optional type, which is an enumeration with two cases: Some(Wrapped) to represent a value, and nil to represent the absence of a value. Here are… Read More »

What are higher order functions in swift ?

By | February 28, 2024

Higher-order functions in Swift are functions that take other functions as parameters or return functions as output. They enable a functional programming style by allowing you to compose functions, pass behavior as arguments, and manipulate collections with concise and expressive code. Here are some common higher-order functions in Swift with examples: map(_:): filter(_:): reduce(_:combine:): sorted(by:):… Read More »

How to setup a basic core data stack in swift?

By | February 22, 2024

Setting up a Core Data stack in Swift involves several steps, including creating a managed object model, setting up a persistent store coordinator, managed object context, and other components. Here’s a basic guide to setting up a Core Data stack in Swift: Create a Data Model: Generate NSManagedObject Subclasses: Initialize the Persistent Store Coordinator: Managed… Read More »

What is enum associated values in swift?

By | February 15, 2024

In Swift, enumerations (enums) are powerful constructs that allow you to define a group of related values. Associated values in Swift enums enhance their flexibility by enabling each enum case to carry additional data of varying types. This feature allows you to model more complex data structures and behaviors with enums. Here’s how you can… Read More »

What is protocol oriented programming in swift?

By | February 7, 2024

Protocol-oriented programming (POP) is an approach to software development in Swift that emphasizes the use of protocols to define interfaces and behavior, promoting code reuse, flexibility, and composability. POP encourages structuring code around protocols rather than classes, focusing on what types can do rather than what they are. Key concepts of protocol-oriented programming in Swift… Read More »

What is a frame and bounds of a UIView in swift?

By | February 4, 2024

In iOS development using UIKit, a UIView is a fundamental building block for constructing the user interface. Two important properties of a UIView are its frame and bounds. These properties define the size and location of the view within its superview. frame: In this example, myView is positioned at (50, 50) within its superview, and… Read More »

What is inout parameter in swift?

By | January 24, 2024

In Swift, inout is a keyword used to indicate that a parameter is passed by reference and can be modified inside a function, affecting the original value outside the function. This allows a function to modify the value of the parameter and have those changes reflected in the calling scope. Here’s an example to illustrate… Read More »

How to do navigation and data pass in swiftUI?

By | January 14, 2024

In SwiftUI, navigation is typically handled using the NavigationView and related components. Here’s a basic guide on how to perform navigation in SwiftUI: Basic Navigation with NavigationLink: 2. Creating NavigationLinks: 3. Creating the Destination View: 4. Putting it All Together: Passing Data with NavigationLink: 2. Receiving Data in Destination View:In the destination view, define a… Read More »

What are the difference between UIKit and SwiftUI in iOS?

By | January 14, 2024

UIKit and SwiftUI are both UI frameworks used in iOS development, but they differ significantly in terms of design, architecture, and development approach. Here are some key differences between UIKit and SwiftUI: 1. Declarative vs Imperative 2. UI Layout 3. Code re-usability 4. Live preview 5. UI Representation 6. State management 7. Adoption and Legacy… Read More »

How data is passed from one view to another in SwiftUI?

By | January 13, 2024

In SwiftUI, you can pass data from one view to another using the @State, @Binding, @ObservedObject, or @EnvironmentObject property wrappers. The appropriate choice depends on the nature of the data and the relationship between the views. Below are brief explanations and examples for each approach: 1. @State : Use @State to store simple values within… Read More »