Tag Archives: Sqlite

Core data stack in swift

By | April 28, 2024

In Swift, Core Data is a powerful framework provided by Apple for managing the model layer objects in an application. A Core Data stack refers to the set of objects and configurations used to interact with the Core Data framework. The Core Data stack typically consists of three main components: 2. Persistent Store Coordinator (PSC):… Read More »

Google’s Flutter Tutorial – Save Image as String in SQLite Database

By | October 17, 2019

In this tutorial we will see how to save an image as a string in preferences. Watch more flutter videos on my youtube channel here. Watch Video Tutorial Add Dependencies First thing we have to do is to add the plugins. Open pubspec.yaml file and add the below Dependencies. So Let’s start… First we will… Read More »

SQlite Database Operations in Flutter

By | September 27, 2018

Watch Video Tutorial   Add Dependency SQFlite is a Flutter library for doing local Database Operations. You can download it from here. To Integrate SQFlite library in your project In your flutter project add the dependency: You can download the sample project from here. employee.dart Database Utils Here is a sample DB Utility file. DBHelper.dart… Read More »

Room Database from Google – A Simple Example

By | April 5, 2018

Lets talk about the Room Persistent Library from Google. The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. The library helps you create a cache of your app’s data on a device that’s running your app. This cache, which serves as your… Read More »

How to store an Image from Android to a SQlite and retrieve it?

By | December 23, 2012

Hello all… In today’s post I will show you how to store an image in an SQLite database and retrieve it. First I will just create a Database Helper Class for adding and reading from the Database. Our Database contains only one table “Images” with two columns “id” and “image”. Note : If you want… Read More »

How to load a spinner with values from SQlite Database in android?

By | November 18, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load a database values in a spinner in android. OK we will start. This is the layout for the spinner row. spinner_row.xml This is the layout for the interface. activity_main.xml Now this is the MainActivity.java file that uses the spinner and the database. Join the Forum discussion… Read More »

How to save CheckBox values in SQlite Database and Load it later?

By | March 13, 2012

Hello…….. This post is just a simple demonstration to show a way to store a checkbox value in a database and reload it. Here I am storing only a value of a single checkbox and reloading it. But you can make changes in the code to save the id and value of the checkbox in… Read More »

Working with SQLite databases through command Line in android.

By | January 23, 2012

Hello all, In todays tutorial I will show you how to work with sqlite databases in android through command line. Advantages 1. You can browse any number of databases. 2. You can write any queries and execute. First go through these tutorials to get a glance of how to work with sqlite databases in android.… Read More »

How to save data or score in Android Cocos2D?

By | January 21, 2012

Hello Friends Today I will show you how to save data in cocos2D android in a database and reload it when the game starts. This has been always a problem withe game developers for cocos2D android. I will show you a way to save almost any number of data in a database using SQlite in… Read More »

SQLiteManager plugin for eclipse

By | April 18, 2011

When you are working on an Android application that stores data in a SQLite database.There arise many questions like where does this database file get stored on the filesystem ? How can we access the database? I will give solution to all these problems. I created the SQLite database from my previous post about Using… Read More »

How to use SQLite in ANDROID, A really simple example.

By | April 17, 2011

Hello ANDROID Lovers…….. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to deal with SQLite Databases in ANDROID. You know that SQLite are Lightweight databases which is maintained only on the client side. They don’t need a server. The SQLite databases are simply a file wrapped around with some stuff which helps us deal with… Read More »

Working with SQLite Database in ANDROID.

By | February 14, 2011

Below is a straight forward example of how to deal with SQLite database in ANDROID. Go ahead and copy and paste the following code to your java file. The example has one database and performs functions like insert delete and listing of values in a textView. In the XML file set up a TableLayout with… Read More »