Tag Archives: flutter tutorial

Theming your App in Flutter using BLoc, Save & Reload

By | December 6, 2020

In this article, we will see how we can use BLoc to Theme your app in Flutter. To understand BLoC with a real world example, you can refer to my previous post on BLoC here. Part 1 Part 1 For this demo also we will need the below plugins If you follow my previous tutorial,… Read More »

BLOC Pattern in Flutter explained with Real Example

By | October 5, 2020

In this article we will learn BLoc pattern in flutter for State Management with a simple real world example. Watch Video Tutorial For this example, we will try to consume a web service. The service we are going to use is https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums What BLoc does? BLoc helps to separate you presentation and business logic. So… Read More »

Create an awesome background running Music Player like Amazon Music in Flutter

By | June 24, 2020

We all at sometime have played audio in our apps, correct? But we may not have created a complete music player that will run even if the application is not running in the foreground, yes? Watch Video Tutorial So in this article we will see how we can easily create such a music player. Our… Read More »

Proper way to Handle Exceptions in Flutter

By | December 27, 2019

Today we will see how we can properly handle errors and exceptions in Flutter. Watch Video Tutorial For this example we will be doing a service call and handle exceptions related to that. We will create a sample service here In the above example we are catching all exceptions using a simple try catch block… Read More »

Different ways to Navigate and Different ways to send parameters for Navigation in Flutter

By | December 17, 2019

Watch Video Tutorial Navigate using Push Normally if we want to navigate from one screen to another we would use Navigate.push, like in the code below And if we want to send parameters, then one of the way to do this is like below Here SecondScreen is another screen that extends StatelessWidget or StatefulWidget which… Read More »

Google’s Flutter Tutorial – Save Image as String in SQLite Database

By | October 17, 2019

In this tutorial we will see how to save an image as a string in preferences. Watch more flutter videos on my youtube channel here. Watch Video Tutorial Add Dependencies First thing we have to do is to add the plugins. Open pubspec.yaml file and add the below Dependencies. So Let’s start… First we will… Read More »

Google’s Flutter Tutorial – Save Image as String in Local Storage and Retrieve – Preferences

By | October 16, 2019

In this tutorial we will see how to save an image as a string in preferences. Watch Video Tutorial Add Dependencies First thing we have to do is to add the plugins. Open pubspec.yaml file and add the below Dependencies. So Let’s start… First we will write a Utility class to save the image as… Read More »

Flutter DataTable + MySQL

By | June 27, 2023

In this demo we will create a flutter app that communicates with the Server and create a table, insert records, update records, fetch all records and delete records. The Data from the Server will be displayed in a DataTable. Watch Video Tutorial Here I am using XAMPP to create a local Server. You can download… Read More »

Network Connectivity in Flutter

By | June 10, 2019

In this demo, we will see how to check network connectivity in flutter. We will see three different ways to check connectivity in Flutter. Watch Video Tutorial Add Plugin Method 1 Method 2 Using Subscription, we can subscribe to the network change events. Method 3 What if you want to listen to network changes through… Read More »

Download ZIP, Extract it and Show the images file in List in UI

By | June 7, 2019

Watch Video Tutorial     Add Plugins   For downloading, Extracting and saving ZIP in the device, we need some plugins. So open your pubspec.yaml file and add the below plugins.   The ‘http‘ package is for downloading the zip file, ‘path_provider‘ is for saving the file inside the device and the ‘archive‘ package is… Read More »

Filtering a ListView in Flutter using a onChange on TextField with delay in flutter.

By | November 9, 2019

In this article we will see how we can filter a Listview in the onChange event of a TextField in Flutter. Here we will use the below service Url to populate data into the ListView. https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users Watch Video Tutorial Create Model Class Service Class In this class we will call the service and get the… Read More »

Load Local html file into WebView in Flutter. Call JS function from Flutter.

By | May 30, 2019

The first thing you need is the webview plugin itself and you can get it from the below link https://pub.dev/packages/webview_flutter Watch Video Tutorial Sample HTML file Below is the sameple HTML code that we are going to load into the webview I have saved this file under a folder named “files” in the root of… Read More »

Webview in Flutter – Part 2

By | March 29, 2019

Welcome to another Webview tutorial, In this tutorial we will see what are the other API’s available in the webview_flutter plugin. Read the part-1 of this tutorial to get an introduction on webview in flutter.     Watch Video Tutorial     We will be implementing the below functionalities in our webview.   Show User… Read More »