Tag Archives: Microsoft

Using a ListBox, Dynamically adding contents to a listbox in Windows Phone

By | June 29, 2013

This post shows how to add string objects to a ListBox Control in Windows Phone. Make sure to choose a C# template for the project. This is the layout . This is the complete Layout Just change the class name in the root of the layout to yours. Now we will look at the code.

How to load a spinner with values from SQlite Database in android?

By | November 18, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load a database values in a spinner in android. OK we will start. This is the layout for the spinner row. spinner_row.xml This is the layout for the interface. activity_main.xml Now this is the MainActivity.java file that uses the spinner and the database. Join the Forum discussion… Read More »

Microsoft Introduces Surface – May be an iPad Killer.

By | June 21, 2012

when Microsoft unveiled the Surface tablet (actually a pair of them) Monday, the software company clearly had one ultimate goal: to make a tablet that’s better than the iPad. Unlike some hasty competitors, Microsoft took its time getting into the tablet game. Earlier this year, the company rolled out the Windows 8 operating system, software… Read More »

Google Chrome overtaking Internet Explorer.

By | May 23, 2012

Google’s Chrome is now the most popular Web browser worldwide, surpassing Microsoft’s Internet Explorer for the first time, according to the latest figures from StatCounter. After years of slowly chipping away Internet Explorer’s market share, Chrome took the lead with 32.76 percent share, while IE dipped to 31.94 percent. Read More from here http://www.pcworld.com/article/255886/google_chrome_overtakes_internet_explorer.html

Apple again the most valuable brand.

By | May 22, 2012

Apple took the top spot for the second year in a row, beating out IBM, Google, and McDonald’s to assume the position of the world’s most valuable brand. At $183 billion, Apple is the world’s most valuable brand, according to Millward Brown Optimor’s annual BrandZ study. Apple was last year’s most valuable brand, as well,… Read More »

Lowest Cost for LUMIA 900 on Amazon- Get it fast.

By | May 6, 2012

For AT&T customers eying one of Nokia’s Windows Phone 7 devices as an upgrade, Amazon is offering the stylish new Lumia 900 on the cheap… real cheap. So cheap, in fact, you have to wonder what’s up. Are Nokia’s phones failing on the market even though they’re getting great reviews? Or is Microsoft merely trying… Read More »

Saving Key-Value pair in Windows Phone using IsolatedStorageSettings

By | April 22, 2012

This sample code helps you to save a key and a corresponding value in windows Phone inside your application sandbox with the help of isolatedStorageSettings. PLease check this post before working around this post. How to save a text file in Windows Phone 7 or How to use isolated storage settings in Windows Phone 7?… Read More »

How to create a Custom ListBox in Windows Phone 7?

By | May 6, 2012

For creating Custom ListView First create a new project named “Lists” and the language is “C#” here. Now open the “MainPage.xaml” and copy this code. Now we have to create another xaml for each custom row in the List. For that right click on the project folder in the solution explorer. Please check the screenshot,… Read More »

How to use RadioButtonGroup in Android?

By | May 30, 2012

Hello everyone , In today’s tutorial I will show you how to how to use RadioButton group in Android. Lets go directly to the code. Let’s see the layout for the RadioGroup first. The file is named main.xml This will create a layout file with a radioGroup with 5 radioButtons and a button to clear… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | May 15, 2016

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »