Tag Archives: Collections

Using a ListBox, Dynamically adding contents to a listbox in Windows Phone

By | June 29, 2013

This post shows how to add string objects to a ListBox Control in Windows Phone. Make sure to choose a C# template for the project. This is the layout . This is the complete Layout Just change the class name in the root of the layout to yours. Now we will look at the code.

Saving Key-Value pair in Windows Phone using IsolatedStorageSettings

By | April 22, 2012

This sample code helps you to save a key and a corresponding value in windows Phone inside your application sandbox with the help of isolatedStorageSettings. PLease check this post before working around this post. How to save a text file in Windows Phone 7 or How to use isolated storage settings in Windows Phone 7?… Read More »

How to Sort a String array in Android.

By | June 15, 2012

Hello all…. This is a simple example showing how to sort a string array which is a arraylist in android. we sort the array using the “Collections” class in android. Here is a simple example Take a look at the LogCat for the output.