Tag Archives: Windows Phone

Android – JellyBean Features

By | August 31, 2012

Some new features introduced in Jelly bean are listed below: Offline voice typing: In contrast with the conventional SIRI assistant, voice dictations in Jelly bean can be done in flight mode or without an internet connection. All the phrasing and voice processing is performed locally, i.e. by the phone processor itself. No server interaction is… Read More »

Lowest Cost for LUMIA 900 on Amazon- Get it fast.

By | May 6, 2012

For AT&T customers eying one of Nokia’s Windows Phone 7 devices as an upgrade, Amazon is offering the stylish new Lumia 900 on the cheap… real cheap. So cheap, in fact, you have to wonder what’s up. Are Nokia’s phones failing on the market even though they’re getting great reviews? Or is Microsoft merely trying… Read More »

How to inherit from other styles or how to extend your own styles in android?

By | April 18, 2012

Hello all…. I have covered many tutorials on styles on how to implement and use them. Today I will show you how to inherit from other styles or how to extend a style already created by you and use it for applying to other views. Here is one of my previous posts. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2012/02/03/changing-the-style-or-theme-of-default-alertdialog-in-android/ Another one… Read More »

Saving Key-Value pair in Windows Phone using IsolatedStorageSettings

By | April 22, 2012

This sample code helps you to save a key and a corresponding value in windows Phone inside your application sandbox with the help of isolatedStorageSettings. PLease check this post before working around this post. How to save a text file in Windows Phone 7 or How to use isolated storage settings in Windows Phone 7?… Read More »

How to save a text file in Windows Phone 7 or How to use isolated storage settings in Windows Phone 7?

By | April 12, 2012

Hello everyone… Here is yet another simple tutorial for windows phone to save and edit a text file. This example uses isolatedStorage to do this. As like other platforms no this file created will be stored in the application sandbox and no other application can access it. Here is the interface I created for saving… Read More »

How to create a Custom ListBox in Windows Phone 7?

By | May 6, 2012

For creating Custom ListView First create a new project named “Lists” and the language is “C#” here. Now open the “MainPage.xaml” and copy this code. Now we have to create another xaml for each custom row in the List. For that right click on the project folder in the solution explorer. Please check the screenshot,… Read More »

How to set an image in an Image Control in Windows Phone 7?

By | March 21, 2012

Hello everyone…… Windows Phone 7 with it’s simplicity has become really easy to study and code. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to set an image in an image control in windows phone 7. Assuming you have place the image control in the xaml file. I will first show you how to set… Read More »

Page Navigation in Windows Phone

By | March 16, 2012

Hello everyone… This is my first post on windows phone. I have just started windows mobile programming. In this post I will show you how to go from one Page to another in windows. First I am creating a C# project and in the MainPage.xaml Open the phone interface and then drag a button into… Read More »