Tag Archives: background

Collapsing AppBar in Flutter – Android and iOS

By | March 1, 2019

Here I will show two different ways to create collapsing AppBar in flutter.     Watch Video Tutorial     Using NestedScrollView     I have the sample image parrot.jpg in the images folder and added to pubspec.yaml. SliverAppBar expands to its expandedHeight when user scrolls the view below the AppBar.   Using CustomScrollView  … Read More »

How to Create a new theme for ActionBar in Android.

By | October 12, 2013

In this post I will be telling you about how to change the default theme of ActionBar with our own custom One. Here I will be changing the background color, textColor and alpha of default ActionBar. Let’s see how it is done. By Checking out the styles.xml you will find that by default it looks… Read More »

How to call a function in background in Xcode(iPhone)?

By | December 10, 2012

“performSelectorInBackground” will call anyfunction to execute in background and you can also pass string parameters with this method or if you want to pass more params then pass the parameters as an object. [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(myBackgroundMethod:) withObject:@”String Params”];

How to load a spinner with values from SQlite Database in android?

By | November 18, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load a database values in a spinner in android. OK we will start. This is the layout for the spinner row. spinner_row.xml This is the layout for the interface. activity_main.xml Now this is the MainActivity.java file that uses the spinner and the database. Join the Forum discussion… Read More »

How to create a Slide from Left animation while deleting a row from a ListView in Android?

By | September 13, 2012

Hello all…… I have written a lost of posts on Listviews. You can see that by just searching Listviews in my site. Today I will show you how to create a slide out animation while we delete a row from a ListView. So this is the xml that contains the ListView. Let it be in… Read More »

How to read and write files to SDCARD and application SandBox in Android – A complete example?

By | February 14, 2016

Here is a complete example of How to read and write files to SDCARD and application SandBox in Android. First create a new project and inside the mainActivity paste this code. Now create another class named MyFile.java and copy this code into it. Now the layout for the xml file. Note you should give this… Read More »

How to create a widget in android?

By | June 4, 2012

Hello everyone… Today I will show you how to create a simple widget in android? First create a new project and name it “Widget1” and name the activity “WidgetDemo1“. Actually we dont need the activity class here. You can delete it and delete the corresponding entry of it from the AndroidManifest file also. Now we… Read More »

How to override hardware Home button in android? OR How to listen to home button click in android?

By | May 30, 2012

Hello everyone… In this post I will show you how to listen to hardware button in an android smartphone. This post especially shows how to listen to the home button in android. But my advice is never override the home button in your app. Home button is to move the currently running process to background.… Read More »

How to create a Custom Toggle Button in android?

By | May 12, 2013

Hello everyone… In today’s tutorial I will show you how to create a custom toggle button in android. Often in our applications we don’t need a default toggle button, so I will show you how to change that to make a toggle button according to your need. First I will create a fresh project named… Read More »

How to read and write a text file that is stored in your application sandbox in ANDROID?

By | September 7, 2012

Hi all….. In this post I will show you how to read a text file in ANDOID. Let your file is in the your application sandbox of your ANDOID project, i.e the file’s location is /data/data/your_package_name folder. To view this folder -> open File Explorer and expand each folder. For this example to work first… Read More »

How to inherit from other styles or how to extend your own styles in android?

By | April 18, 2012

Hello all…. I have covered many tutorials on styles on how to implement and use them. Today I will show you how to inherit from other styles or how to extend a style already created by you and use it for applying to other views. Here is one of my previous posts. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2012/02/03/changing-the-style-or-theme-of-default-alertdialog-in-android/ Another one… Read More »

Custom GridView in android. A simple example.

By | June 15, 2012

Hello all……….. Android has been absoultely wonderful for customizing widgets. I have shown a lot of example to customize ListViews, spinners etc. Today I will show you how to customize gridviews. Using this method you can actually place anything inside a gridview even a webview also. So here we start. We customize a gridview by… Read More »

ListView with Sections in android.

By | May 3, 2013

Hello all………. We have seen many posts about ListViews like creating a listview, adding data to it, customizing a listview etc. Take a look at some of these examples 1. Single Selection ListView in android 2. Flitering a ListView using an input from an EditText in Android. 3. How to create a custom ListView in… Read More »

How to show a sliding window from below in Android?

By | June 28, 2013

Hello everyone, I have already showed you how to use a SlidingViewer to create a slidingWindow. Today I will show another way to create such a window with the help of animation. Please check one of my previous posts to do this in another way. How to show a sliding window from below in Android?… Read More »

SlidingDrawer in Android, A simple example.

By | July 12, 2013

Sliding-Drawer in a nice and useful widget in android. Please check one of my previous posts to do this in another way. How to show a sliding window from below in Android? Check this new One using Navigation Drawer About Sliding drawer SlidingDrawer hides content out of the screen and allows the user to drag… Read More »

How to use shapes in android? A simple example.

By | June 4, 2012

In android with shapes we can create beautiful layouts. Lets look at an example. Create an xml named “gradient.xml” in your drawable folder and copy this code into it. Now the main layout file main.xml The main java file. Done. You can now run the application.

How to send email from and ANDROID Application programatically?

By | April 27, 2012

Hello all…….. In today’s post I will show you send mail from an android application progrmatically.. Let’s go to the code fast…… This is the code in the mail java file…. Now the layout file (main.xml) The AndroidManifest.xml Note: However if you test this in your emulator, it will not work. Install it in your… Read More »

Customizing your button or TextView or another view in ANDROID.

By | April 30, 2011

Beautifying our applications is one of the main features of your application’s success. In ANDROID there are many possible ways to do this. For eg. We need to have different colors for our buttons, However we can give backgrounds for buttons and all. But we can do many by using our custom xml files, like… Read More »

Android frame Animation

By | May 27, 2012

A series of frames is drawn one after the other at regular intervals. For this create a xml which contains ImageView for showing the animation The main java file is Next the main part, an xml which holds each image and duration in which each image shows. The xml should be placed inside drawable folder… Read More »

SQLiteManager plugin for eclipse

By | January 9, 2017

When you are working on an Android application that stores data in a SQLite database.There arise many questions like where does this database file get stored on the filesystem ? How can we access the database? I will give solution to all these problems. I created the SQLite database from my previous post about Using… Read More »

How to use SQLite in ANDROID, A really simple example.

By | August 23, 2012

Hello ANDROID Lovers…….. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to deal with SQLite Databases in ANDROID. You know that SQLite are Lightweight databases which is maintained only on the client side. They don’t need a server. The SQLite databases are simply a file wrapped around with some stuff which helps us deal with… Read More »

Applying a shape to xml in android

By | April 15, 2011

By adding a custom shape we can make the layout more attractive. For this we have to create a xml file and specify this in the main layout xml file First make a xml inside the drawable folder. Then in the main file specify this shape like this. The “category” is the name of the… Read More »