Tag Archives: id

How to crop an Image in Android?

By | February 12, 2016

This is a sample program that launches the camera and crop the captured image. Check this link to another crop image example. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2011/03/15/crop-an-image-in-android/ This is the layout xml. activity_main.xml Now this is the Main Java File that implements the crop functionality. Here we are using the “com.android.camera.action.CROP” Intent to crop the Image passing the captured… Read More »

How to load a spinner with values from SQlite Database in android?

By | November 18, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load a database values in a spinner in android. OK we will start. This is the layout for the spinner row. spinner_row.xml This is the layout for the interface. activity_main.xml Now this is the MainActivity.java file that uses the spinner and the database. Join the Forum discussion… Read More »

How to create a Slide from Left animation while deleting a row from a ListView in Android?

By | September 13, 2012

Hello all…… I have written a lost of posts on Listviews. You can see that by just searching Listviews in my site. Today I will show you how to create a slide out animation while we delete a row from a ListView. So this is the xml that contains the ListView. Let it be in… Read More »

How to move a body manually in Box2D? or Give a force to a body in Box2D, iPhone.

By | April 28, 2012

This is a sample code to move a body in Box2D . First you have to make a body with variable name “moving_rec” and call the below function in a schedular at regular intervals. -(void) moveBody{ b2Vec2 force = b2Vec2(0,0); force = b2Vec2(0,3); //Giving the x an y to negative will move the body in… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple Example……….

By | April 29, 2012

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Date and TimePicker in ANDROID.

By | April 12, 2012

The following code simply allows you to select a date and time using the datepicker and timepicker in ANDROID.

Switch Images in ANDROID.

By | May 1, 2012

Hi all …….. Ofter we have trouble with loading continous images in ANDROID from our application directory. The reason is that all resources have a unique resource ID which we need to get to load these resources. The following example shows how to get these unique identifier from the “path” of the resource. For example… Read More »

How to send email from and ANDROID Application programatically?

By | April 27, 2012

Hello all…….. In today’s post I will show you send mail from an android application progrmatically.. Let’s go to the code fast…… This is the code in the mail java file…. Now the layout file (main.xml) The AndroidManifest.xml Note: However if you test this in your emulator, it will not work. Install it in your… Read More »

ANDROID Tabbars Example……..

By | May 9, 2011

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple illustration……….

By | May 9, 2011

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple Example……….

By | May 9, 2011

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Listening incoming sms message in Android

By | May 1, 2011

When a new sms message is received by the device, a Broadcast Receiver is registered. For this IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(SMS_RECEIVED); registerReceiver(receiver_SMS, filter); should be included . Also sms are sent in PDU’s(Protocol Description Units) format, which act as an encapsulation. Inorder to extract from PDU to byte array messages[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdus[i]); method… Read More »

Customizing your button or TextView or another view in ANDROID.

By | April 30, 2011

Beautifying our applications is one of the main features of your application’s success. In ANDROID there are many possible ways to do this. For eg. We need to have different colors for our buttons, However we can give backgrounds for buttons and all. But we can do many by using our custom xml files, like… Read More »

How to create and delete a directory in SdCard in ANDROID?

By | January 18, 2013

Hi all…… This is a simple example to create and delete a directory in ANDROID. Here the directly is created in the SDCARD. So first create an SDCARD and start the emulator with the SDCARD. Let’s look at the program. Use can use this program to create or delete a file in ANDROID also. main.xml… Read More »

Showing Twitter updates on Blogger/Blogspot

By | April 24, 2011

Hi, If you want to show the latest twitter update of yours in your blogger/blogspot, then use the following steps. 1. Go to your blogger ‘Design’ 2. Click ‘Add A Gadget’ 3. Add ‘HTML/JavaScript’ 4. Paste the following JavaScript code into it and save 5. Done! Note : Replace ‘SampleURL’ with your twitter id &… Read More »

Android frame Animation

By | May 27, 2012

A series of frames is drawn one after the other at regular intervals. For this create a xml which contains ImageView for showing the animation The main java file is Next the main part, an xml which holds each image and duration in which each image shows. The xml should be placed inside drawable folder… Read More »

Android dialog with ListView

By | April 21, 2011

For implementing a ListView, we first create a xml which contains a ListView named list.xml Next we create a Dialog Object and inflate the above xml and when the listItem is clicked then a Alert Dialog windows comes The java file is listed below The alert window look like this When the Item is selected… Read More »

How to start telnet in Windows 7?

By | April 10, 2011

Hello all…… By default telnet is not enabled in Windows Vista and Windows 7. So you need to turn own the option for telnet . For this 1. Open control Panel 2. Programs and features 3. Turn Windows feature On or OFF 4. Check Telnet Client. Now open command prompt and run telnet

Make your own gesture application in ANDROID or How to use gestures in ANDROID?

By | April 5, 2011

Hi all…. In this tutorial I will teach you how to make use of Gestures in ANDROID and make your own application. Follow the below steps exactly to get an idea of how to use gestures. 1. Make a gesture Library. 2. Add your own gestures into it. 3. Export it to your applications and… Read More »