Tag Archives: error

Service Call in Flutter with Retry Button, Catch Network failures.

By | December 20, 2018

Hello Devs, In today’s tutorial we will find out how we can write a simple service call in flutter and show retry when network call fails. Below is a sample video of the app we are going to make… Watch Video Tutorial You can watch the complete video tutorial from here… Add Library To do… Read More »

Uploading Image to Server – Android Eclipse Version.

By | February 18, 2016

Hi all, In today’s tutorial I will show you how to send an image to server using POST method in ANDROID. If you are working in Android studio, then checkout the article here. Uploading an image to server is a basic requirement in many of our application. Sending data to server which is using a… Read More »

How to crop an Image in Android?

By | December 15, 2012

This is a sample program that launches the camera and crop the captured image. Check this link to another crop image example. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2011/03/15/crop-an-image-in-android/ This is the layout xml. activity_main.xml Now this is the Main Java File that implements the crop functionality. Here we are using the “com.android.camera.action.CROP” Intent to crop the Image passing the captured… Read More »

How to load an image from the assets folder in android?

By | August 9, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load an image stores in assets folder in android? Done.

How to Upload Multiple files in one request along with other string parameters in android?

By | August 16, 2011

Hello everyone, I have shown two methods to upload files in android. In today’s tutorial I will show another simple method to upload files. With this method you can upload multiple files in one request + you can send your own string parameters with them. Here is another method on working with uploading of images.… Read More »

Get a file from PhotoGallery and copy it to your directory in your project resources in Titanium(iPhone or ANDROID).

By | May 3, 2011

This example opens the photogallery and then when you select a file from it , it will be copied to your resources directory. First manually create a directory in your resources, here the directory is named “mydirectory”. Call this functiion inside a button click or something Now after running this code check the directory you… Read More »

Android: Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null

By | April 28, 2011

This error often comes when your android project size is large. Try the following steps to remove the error 1. Clean the project Project > Clean 2. Increase the memory allocated in eclipse.ini Open the eclipse.ini file in the the Eclipse folder. Then edit -Xms128m to -Xmx512m or something higher Hope this help you

ANDROID – Upload an image to Server in Android Studio

By | April 25, 2011

Hi all, In today’s tutorial I will show you how to send an image to server using POST method in ANDROID. Uploading an image to server is a basic requirement in many of our application. Sending data to server which is using a PHP Script is already explained in this example . Now in this… Read More »

“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” Error in ANDROID / Eclipse.

By | March 30, 2011

This is a normal error when you import some project into eclipse. I will show you how to solve this First try cleaning the project from project->Clean. If this didn’t work, then try these Follow these steps 1. Go to Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries and remove all except the “Android… Read More »

"Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" Error in ANDROID / Eclipse.

By | March 30, 2011

This is a normal error when you import some project into eclipse. I will show you how to solve this First try cleaning the project from project->Clean. If this didn’t work, then try these Follow these steps 1. Go to Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries and remove all except the “Android… Read More »

Creating Exceptions in JAVA

By | February 25, 2011

This is a simple custom exception in java. That is, we can create an exception by extending the exception class. The “throw new MyExcep” will throw an exception and the error message we specified will be displayed import java.lang.Exception; @SuppressWarnings(“serial”) class MyExcep extends Exception { MyExcep(String Errormsg) { super(Errormsg); // call Exception class error message… Read More »

PHP- Warning: session_start(): Cannot sent session cache limiter-headers already sent, ERROR

By | February 24, 2011

Most of the beginners in PHP while using sessions at the first time might have encountered a long error, starting with something like, Warning:session_start(): Cannot sent session cache limiter- headers already sent Fix : It’s too simple! Don’t ever leave atleast a single space before the PHP code (starting with

Dynamically change the background of a window in Adobe AIR?

By | February 6, 2011

Change the background of your window with your selected image. Copy and paste the following code to your AIR file and view the result. Note: Please make sure that you have an image in your application source folder. Here the image name is “image.jpg” else you will get URL not found error.