Tag Archives: Rect

Introduction to Android Canvas – Simple Example

By | December 17, 2016

The Canvas can be used to draw graphics in android. It provides methods to draw oval, rectangle, picture, text, line etc. The Paint class is used with canvas to draw objects. It holds the information of color and style. In this example, we will draw some 2D Shapes. We will create class that extends View… Read More »

How to draw Arcs in Android using canvas?

By | April 19, 2013

This is a simple example showing how to draw Arcs in android, You can use this to create piecharts or someother similar thing you want. Here we have 3 classes. 1. GraphicsActivity.java 2. MainActivity.java 3. PictureLayout.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java MainActivity.java Download the complete source code from here.

How to crop an Image in Android?

By | February 12, 2016

This is a sample program that launches the camera and crop the captured image. Check this link to another crop image example. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2011/03/15/crop-an-image-in-android/ This is the layout xml. activity_main.xml Now this is the Main Java File that implements the crop functionality. Here we are using the “com.android.camera.action.CROP” Intent to crop the Image passing the captured… Read More »

Crop an Image in ANDROID.

By | September 19, 2012

Cropping an image in ANDROID programmatically has always been a problem for ANDROID developers. So Here I am putting a sample code to demonstrate this. For cropping an image in ANDROID we need a source bitmap which is our image itself, the other one is the target bitmap which we have to set the size… Read More »

Using GridView in ANDROID….

By | September 20, 2012

GridViews are those in which you can arrange elements in a two dimensional grid. It is what you see in the gallery where images are arranged. Here images are arranged in a two dimensional grid. Copy the below code and save it as “MyGridView.java” Now create another file named “Images.java” and copy the below code… Read More »