Tag Archives: Amp

How to draw Arcs in Android using canvas?

By | April 19, 2013

This is a simple example showing how to draw Arcs in android, You can use this to create piecharts or someother similar thing you want. Here we have 3 classes. 1. GraphicsActivity.java 2. MainActivity.java 3. PictureLayout.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java MainActivity.java Download the complete source code from here.

How to include multiple c files to compile in android NDK?

By | April 24, 2012

I ran into problem when I had multiple C files in my project. Single C file was OK for me. I was getting undefined reference error while doing this. Then I found out the solution after a lot of search in google. You can check this post before going through this post. This is about… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple Example……….

By | April 29, 2012

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

How to use Global variables in ANDROID?

By | April 15, 2012

Hi all……. In today’s exampl e I will show you how to deal with global variables in ANDROID. You know global variables are those variables that you can access across any variables. It’s value becomes changed when you change it in any of the classes in your project. These types of variables act as like… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple illustration……….

By | May 9, 2011

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Using Tabbars in ANDROID, A Simple Example……….

By | May 9, 2011

This is a simple example showing how to use tabbars in ANDROID. First create a new project and copy this code to it. Now create three another java files by right clicking the src folder and name it FirstTab.java, SecondTab.java, ThirdTab.java. Now copy the following code to FirstTab.java. SecondTab.java Now ThirdTab.java. Main.xml file AndroidManifest.xml You… Read More »

Showing Twitter updates on Blogger/Blogspot

By | April 24, 2011

Hi, If you want to show the latest twitter update of yours in your blogger/blogspot, then use the following steps. 1. Go to your blogger ‘Design’ 2. Click ‘Add A Gadget’ 3. Add ‘HTML/JavaScript’ 4. Paste the following JavaScript code into it and save 5. Done! Note : Replace ‘SampleURL’ with your twitter id &… Read More »

How to shoot a bullet in the direction of touch in Box2D iphone?

By | December 10, 2012

write the below code in “ccTouchesBegan” function and you are done. Here the ballBody represents the bullet body. You can increase the power variable to increase bullet speed.

How to rotate a body manually in Box2D?

By | June 21, 2012

The below code helps you to rotate a body in Box2D manually. Here the body is named “rotating_body” which is going to rotate and a sprite named “rot_sprite” is it’s userData, please give your own image for it. Make sure that you have it in your resources otherwise your program will crash. Note: call this… Read More »