Tag Archives: Sprite

How to use CCProgressTimer in Cocos2D to show progress?

By | June 28, 2012

The progress timer takes a sprite and, based on a percentage, displays only a part of it to visualize some kind of progress in your game. You can choose between radial, vertical, and horizontal progress timers. But the timer doesn’t update itself. You have to change the timer’s percentage value frequently to update the progress.

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | June 28, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Sprite Animations Without Sprite Sheets

By | April 7, 2012

You can simulate any animations if you have a sequence of images which makes the illusion of that animations and rendering those images to the screen. In cocos2D it can be done in two ways, with sprite sheet animation and without sprite sheets. Here we are going to see how it can be done with… Read More »

Show Alert in cocos2D Android.

By | June 26, 2012

Here is a simple example showing alert in android cocos2D. For this I am using an example from my previous android cocos2D tutorial.. So please read that tutorial before reading this because the I am using the classes and files from it. I am only changing the Gamelayer.java file to show an Alert Dialog when… Read More »

How to remove box2D body from world ?

By | April 10, 2011

Hi, If you are a game developer and you are using box2D for real world simulations, you would probably need a particular body to be removed from the box2D world! But how can you remove box2D body from world ? See the following sample code which does the same. – (void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {… Read More »

How to make a sprite visible and invisible in Cocos2D ?

By | March 27, 2011

Hi, In certain situations you may need to make visible or invisible certain sprites. But how to set a sprite visible and invisible in Cocos2D? See the following Cocos2D code. //Set the sprite’s visible value to 1 to make it visible yourSprite.visible = 1; //Set the sprite’s visible value to 0 to make it invisible… Read More »

How to change the Z value of a Sprite during an action in Cocos2D ?

By | March 27, 2011

Hi, There may arise some situations where you need to change the z value of a particular sprite during an action in Cocos2D. So how can you do that? See the following lines of code. CCSprite *sample= [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@”trialImage.png”]; sample.position = ccp(160,240); [self addChild:sample z:1]; /* Some of your actions goes here! */ [self reorderChild:sample… Read More »

How to stop the sprite sheet animation in cocos2D ?

By | March 17, 2011

Hi, In one of our previous post we have discussed how to animate sprite sheet in cocos2D. In some cases you may need to stop the sprite sheet animation abruptly. How to do that? Here the way to do that. Use the following. [spriteName stopAction:spriteNameAction]; where spriteName is the name of your sprite & spriteNameAction… Read More »

Copying a Sprite Image to another Sprite in Cocos2D

By | March 11, 2011

Hi, Suppose you want to copy a sprite image to another new sprite while using cocos2D. What you do? See the following code… Let oldSprite be your first sprite CCSprite *oldSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@”ImgOne.png”]; And newSprite be your second sprite CCSprite *newSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:[oldSprite texture]]; That’s it! Done! Now newSprite too contain ImgOne as… Read More »

Create a polygon in Flash or Adobe AIR using Box2D.

By | February 5, 2011

The below function creates a polygon in the shape of a triangle. Please call the debugdraw function inside your update method to view the results. Make sure you import the Box2D classes into your file. public function init():void { debug_draw(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); createTriangle(); } public function createTriangle():void { var fd : b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();… Read More »

How to Implement Box2D in Adobe AIR?

By | February 4, 2011

Everyone will be fascinated how flash games are built on the web that implements the real world physics. Well for your information there are a lot of physics engines available. One of them is the Box2D. Box2D was written in C++. Then it was converted to flash. So now I am going to show you… Read More »

How to rotate a body manually in Box2D?

By | June 21, 2012

The below code helps you to rotate a body in Box2D manually. Here the body is named “rotating_body” which is going to rotate and a sprite named “rot_sprite” is it’s userData, please give your own image for it. Make sure that you have it in your resources otherwise your program will crash. Note: call this… Read More »