Tag Archives: GetUserData

How to move a body manually in Box2D? or Give a force to a body in Box2D, iPhone.

By | April 28, 2012

This is a sample code to move a body in Box2D . First you have to make a body with variable name “moving_rec” and call the below function in a schedular at regular intervals. -(void) moveBody{ b2Vec2 force = b2Vec2(0,0); force = b2Vec2(0,3); //Giving the x an y to negative will move the body in… Read More »

Simulate a Balloon in Box2D, iPhone or ANDROID

By | April 24, 2012

Hello……… Sometimes you may want your body to act against the gravity of the world. One method to do this is described below. First what you have to do is to make a body in the shape of a circle and give it the image of a balloon as the userdata. Then in the tick… Read More »

Create a polygon in Flash or Adobe AIR using Box2D.

By | February 5, 2011

The below function creates a polygon in the shape of a triangle. Please call the debugdraw function inside your update method to view the results. Make sure you import the Box2D classes into your file. public function init():void { debug_draw(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); createTriangle(); } public function createTriangle():void { var fd : b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();… Read More »