Tag Archives: setMessage

How to stream an audio in Android?

By | August 16, 2012

This is a simple example to how to stream an audio in android. Here is the java code for that. This is the xml that contains the button. When you run this program you will see a button and on clicking on that button you will see a dialog with message “Buffering…..”. Once the buffering… Read More »

Show Alert in cocos2D Android.

By | June 26, 2012

Here is a simple example showing alert in android cocos2D. For this I am using an example from my previous android cocos2D tutorial.. So please read that tutorial before reading this because the I am using the classes and files from it. I am only changing the Gamelayer.java file to show an Alert Dialog when… Read More »

Changing the style or theme of default alertDialog in Android.

By | April 17, 2012

Hello everyone, Here is a simple example showing how to change the theme of default AlertDialog in android. Check this post before for understanding how to use styles. http://www.coderzheaven.com/2012/04/17/inherit-styles-extend-styles-android/ To start first create a fresh project named AlertTest. In the AlertTestDemo.java file copy this code Now create a file named “styles.xml” inside the res/values folder… Read More »