Tag Archives: setDataSource

How to encrypt and decrypt an audio file in Android?

By | May 8, 2018

Here is a simple example to encrypt and decrypt a audio file in Android. We will directly go to the implementation part. Demo Video You can check the demo video here. Download Library You can download the simple library from here. Aim Download an audio file from internet. Encrypt and save the encrypted file in… Read More »

Using Different Media Libraries in Android

By | January 23, 2017

Android provides two main API’s for playing sounds. SoundPool MediaPlayer SoundPool SoundPool can be used for small audio clips. It can repeat sounds and play several sounds simultaneously. The sound files played with SoundPool should not exceed 1 MB. SoundPool does load the file asynchronously. As of Android API8 it is possible to check if… Read More »

How to stream an audio in Android?

By | August 16, 2012

This is a simple example to how to stream an audio in android. Here is the java code for that. This is the xml that contains the button. When you run this program you will see a button and on clicking on that button you will see a dialog with message “Buffering…..”. Once the buffering… Read More »

How to record an audio in android and email it as attachment?

By | August 4, 2011

This example shows how to record an audio in android and save it in your path and send it as an email attachment. This example is taken from the developers website. Note : You should run this on the device otherwise it will not work. This example will open up an email client after recording… Read More »