Tag Archives: getExternalStorageDirectory

Using Different Media Libraries in Android

By | January 23, 2017

Android provides two main API’s for playing sounds. SoundPool MediaPlayer SoundPool SoundPool can be used for small audio clips. It can repeat sounds and play several sounds simultaneously. The sound files played with SoundPool should not exceed 1 MB. SoundPool does load the file asynchronously. As of Android API8 it is possible to check if… Read More »

How to copy a file to another saved in SDCARD in Android?

By | May 9, 2013

Hello all… This tutorial explains how to copy a file contents to another in Android. The file to copy is saved in SDCARD, however you can change the path to save it in your application sandbox. if you want to save it in your sandbox, change the path to /data/data/your_packagename/your_file.extension Now we will see the… Read More »

How to read and write files to SDCARD and application SandBox in Android – A complete example?

By | February 14, 2016

Here is a complete example of How to read and write files to SDCARD and application SandBox in Android. First create a new project and inside the mainActivity paste this code. Now create another class named MyFile.java and copy this code into it. Now the layout for the xml file. Note you should give this… Read More »

How to download a file to your android device from a remote server with a custom progressbar showing progress?

By | March 4, 2016

Actually this is really simple. I have already posted an example for how to download a file in this post. How to Download an image in ANDROID programatically? This is another one little different with a progressbar included. Previously I have shown three other methods to upload files to a server. Check these posts to… Read More »

How to check SDCard free space in ANDROID?

By | April 19, 2011

This is a simple example that shows how many bytes are free in your SDCard. Inorder to run this example, you have to create an SDCard and start the emulator with the SDCard. Now create a fresh project and name it “FreeSpaceActivity.java” and copy the following code to it. The main.xml file AndroidManifest file Please… Read More »