Tag Archives: start

How to encrypt and decrypt an audio file in Android?

By | May 8, 2018

Here is a simple example to encrypt and decrypt a audio file in Android. We will directly go to the implementation part. Demo Video You can check the demo video here. Download Library You can download the simple library from here. Aim Download an audio file from internet. Encrypt and save the encrypted file in… Read More »

Using Different Media Libraries in Android

By | January 23, 2017

Android provides two main API’s for playing sounds. SoundPool MediaPlayer SoundPool SoundPool can be used for small audio clips. It can repeat sounds and play several sounds simultaneously. The sound files played with SoundPool should not exceed 1 MB. SoundPool does load the file asynchronously. As of Android API8 it is possible to check if… Read More »

Uploading Image to Server – Android Eclipse Version.

By | January 15, 2017

Hi all, In today’s tutorial I will show you how to send an image to server using POST method in ANDROID. If you are working in Android studio, then checkout the article here. Uploading an image to server is a basic requirement in many of our application. Sending data to server which is using a… Read More »

How to Upload Multiple files in one request along with other string parameters in android?

By | February 21, 2016

Hello everyone, I have shown two methods to upload files in android. In today’s tutorial I will show another simple method to upload files. With this method you can upload multiple files in one request + you can send your own string parameters with them. Here is another method on working with uploading of images.… Read More »

How to create and delete a directory in SdCard in ANDROID?

By | January 18, 2013

Hi all…… This is a simple example to create and delete a directory in ANDROID. Here the directly is created in the SDCARD. So first create an SDCARD and start the emulator with the SDCARD. Let’s look at the program. Use can use this program to create or delete a file in ANDROID also. main.xml… Read More »

ANDROID – Upload an image to Server in Android Studio

By | January 15, 2017

Hi all, In today’s tutorial I will show you how to send an image to server using POST method in ANDROID. Uploading an image to server is a basic requirement in many of our application. Sending data to server which is using a PHP Script is already explained in this example . Now in this… Read More »

Android frame Animation

By | May 27, 2012

A series of frames is drawn one after the other at regular intervals. For this create a xml which contains ImageView for showing the animation The main java file is Next the main part, an xml which holds each image and duration in which each image shows. The xml should be placed inside drawable folder… Read More »

Play Video using VideoView in ANDROID.

By | September 19, 2010

Playing a video file is simple in android. This post will help you. Put your video in res/raw folder. If no raw folder present then create a new folder inside res. The main. xml file. Please leave your comments if this post was useful.