Tag Archives: Libraries

How Image Loading Libraries work in Android?

By | July 14, 2018

In this article, Lets find out how the image loading libraries like Picasso, Glide and Fresco works. We know that images are the one which takes most of the space in our application either in App size or the memory at runtime. Also using large number of images often kicks off Garbage Collection (GC) Events.… Read More »

How to save data or score in Android Cocos2D?

By | January 21, 2012

Hello Friends Today I will show you how to save data in cocos2D android in a database and reload it when the game starts. This has been always a problem withe game developers for cocos2D android. I will show you a way to save almost any number of data in a database using SQlite in… Read More »

How to Upload Multiple files in one request along with other string parameters in android?

By | August 16, 2011

Hello everyone, I have shown two methods to upload files in android. In today’s tutorial I will show another simple method to upload files. With this method you can upload multiple files in one request + you can send your own string parameters with them. Here is another method on working with uploading of images.… Read More »

“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” Error in ANDROID / Eclipse.

By | March 30, 2011

This is a normal error when you import some project into eclipse. I will show you how to solve this First try cleaning the project from project->Clean. If this didn’t work, then try these Follow these steps 1. Go to Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries and remove all except the “Android… Read More »

"Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" Error in ANDROID / Eclipse.

By | March 30, 2011

This is a normal error when you import some project into eclipse. I will show you how to solve this First try cleaning the project from project->Clean. If this didn’t work, then try these Follow these steps 1. Go to Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries and remove all except the “Android… Read More »