Tag Archives: startActivity

How to pass an Object from One Activity to another in Android.

By | October 22, 2012

Hello all This is a simple post that shows How to pass an Object from One Activity to another in Android. I am going to pass the following object from One Activity to another. MyObject{ String name; String website; } This is the class that defines the Object. This is the first activity that sends… Read More »

How to pass an arraylist value from one activity to another in android?

By | January 9, 2018

This simple example shows how to pass an ArrayList from one activity to another in Android. This is the first activity on which we are sending the arrayList. MainActivity Now this is the Second activity in which we are receiving the passed arrayList. SecondActivity Please check the Logcat for the Output. Source code You can… Read More »

How to close All activities in your View Stack in android in one click?

By | May 30, 2012

Hello everyone… Today I will show you how to close all views in android in a single click of a button. Basically if you open a number of activities, each activity is stacked one above the other like a stack if you are not calling finish() on each activity. But there is a way to… Read More »

Global variables in ANDROID……

By | April 15, 2012

Hi all……. In today’s exampl e I will show you how to deal with global variables in ANDROID. You know global variables are those variables that you can access across any variables. It’s value becomes changed when you change it in any of the classes in your project. These types of variables act as like… Read More »

How to use Global variables in ANDROID?

By | April 15, 2012

Hi all……. In today’s exampl e I will show you how to deal with global variables in ANDROID. You know global variables are those variables that you can access across any variables. It’s value becomes changed when you change it in any of the classes in your project. These types of variables act as like… Read More »

How to open browser in an ANDROID application? How to open a URL from an ANDROID application?

By | March 28, 2011

Hi all,In this tutorial I will show you how to open browser from an ANDROID application. This is done through intents. You know that intents are used to invoke other activities. So we here invoke the browser activity. The following code will open the default browser in your ANDROID phone. This is the manifest file… Read More »