Tag Archives: MainActivity

CRUD Operations in SQLite using SQLiteOpenHelper – Android

By | June 29, 2016

We do SQLite operations in Android by extending the SQLiteOpenHelper Class. I will create an Employee table with three fields id name company. I have a model class same as the database table Employee. Employee.java Lets see How we can do the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations. CREATE We create a class that… Read More »

Faster Loading images in GridViews or ListViews in Android using Menory Caching, Complete implemenation with sample code.

By | September 1, 2013

Hi all This example shows you how to load large images in the gridview without any lag or without outofmemory error. This sample application uses the LruCache to hold the images. A cache that holds strong references to a limited number of values. Each time a value is accessed, it is moved to the head… Read More »

What is a Memory Heap Size in android? and how can use Bitmap Efficiently?

By | September 3, 2013

Memory Heap Size Android is a full multitasking system so it’s possible to run multiple programs at the same time and obviously each one can’t use all of your device memory. For this reason there is a hard limit on your Android application’s heap size: if your application needs to allocate more memory and you… Read More »

How to pass an Object from One Activity to another in Android.

By | October 22, 2012

Hello all This is a simple post that shows How to pass an Object from One Activity to another in Android. I am going to pass the following object from One Activity to another. MyObject{ String name; String website; } This is the class that defines the Object. This is the first activity that sends… Read More »

How to pass an arraylist value from one activity to another in android?

By | January 9, 2018

This simple example shows how to pass an ArrayList from one activity to another in Android. This is the first activity on which we are sending the arrayList. MainActivity Now this is the Second activity in which we are receiving the passed arrayList. SecondActivity Please check the Logcat for the Output. Source code You can… Read More »