Tag Archives: URL

How to find your Google Plus ID

By | May 6, 2013

This is so simple 1. Go to your Google + account (https://plus.google.com/). 2. Click on the Profile icon on the Left. 3. If you look at the URL in the address bar, it should look something like this: https://plus.google.com/104653270154306099169/posts 4. The long numerical string in the URL is your Google+ ID. Here is CoderzHeaven’s from… Read More »

Simplest Lazy Loading ListView Example in Android with data populated from a MySQL database using php.

By | September 25, 2012

Hello all… You may have seen many implementations of Lazy Loading ListView. Today I will show you my method to create Lazy Loading ListViews. I dont know whether it can be any more simple than this. In this I am using AsyncTask to download each image. So we will start. Here we have 6 classes.… Read More »

How to set different layouts for Portrait and Landscape in Android?

By | May 2, 2013

This simple example shows how to set different layouts for portrait and Landscape in Android. If you need a detailed explanation please check this url http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html Android Supports these different categories of screens. 1. xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp 2. large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp 3. normal screens are… Read More »

How to read webpage contents as a string in Android?

By | October 9, 2014

This is a simple example to read a webpage content as a string in android. This example can also be used to get the response as a string when you make a call to a webpage. For example a php script. You can have a http script that will call a php script and get… Read More »

Adding Image to a UIImageView using Image URL

By | March 14, 2011

Hi, Sometimes you need to add Image to a UIImageView from the URL of the image you got. In that case, this is how you can add image to the UIImageView. NSString *picURL= @”http://photobucket.com/yourImage.gif”; NSData *picData = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:mapURL]]; UIImage* picture = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:picData]; [pictureView setImage:picture]; [picData release]; [picture release]; Here, pictureView is… Read More »

Playing sound on the Mac Desktop in Objective C.

By | March 11, 2011

There are different ways for playing sound on the Mac in Objective C. Let’s look at some of the methods.. 1. Play by filename. NSSound *mySound = [NSSound soundNamed:@”sound”]; if you have no file named “sound” in your application’s main bundle, then it will return nil. 2. Play by pathName sound = [[NSSound alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@”/Volumes/Audio/sound.aiff”… Read More »

How to load a URL in Objective C or Cocoa in iPhone?/ Open Safari in Objective C

By | March 1, 2011

This code snippet helps you to open a webpage in Safari. Code uses openURL to load the webpage in the web browser. Write this function as an action to a button……… – ( IBAction ) loadWebPageInSafari : ( id ) sender { NSURL *my_URL = [NSURL URLWithString:[Your_URL stringValue]]; if ( [ [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL :… Read More »

Dynamically change the background of a window in Adobe AIR?

By | February 6, 2011

Change the background of your window with your selected image. Copy and paste the following code to your AIR file and view the result. Note: Please make sure that you have an image in your application source folder. Here the image name is “image.jpg” else you will get URL not found error.