Category Archives: Controls

Using a ListBox, Dynamically adding contents to a listbox in Windows Phone

By | June 29, 2013

This post shows how to add string objects to a ListBox Control in Windows Phone. Make sure to choose a C# template for the project. This is the layout . This is the complete Layout Just change the class name in the root of the layout to yours. Now we will look at the code.

How to find your Google Plus ID

By | May 6, 2013

This is so simple 1. Go to your Google + account ( 2. Click on the Profile icon on the Left. 3. If you look at the URL in the address bar, it should look something like this: 4. The long numerical string in the URL is your Google+ ID. Here is CoderzHeaven’s from… Read More »

How to add click handler to a button dynamically in Windows Phone?

By | March 26, 2012

Hello everyone…. This post is a simple example showing how to add eventHandlers to a button dynamically in windows phone or windows mobile. We know programming for windows phone is done in C# or Visual Basic. Here I am going to explain in C#. I assume that you have dragged a button control in your… Read More »