Category Archives: Notifications

Adding Notifications, Reading Notifications, Getting number of notifications in Android M.

By | March 21, 2016

This demo will show how to 1. Create and add a new Notification, 2. How many notifications are active in the current Application? 3. Delegate method for Notification Deletion. For Adding a Notification we can use the following snippet. For reading the number of currently Active notifications we can use To know when a Notification… Read More »

Create Custom Notification in Android.

By | January 31, 2016

This demo explains how you can create a Custom Notification in Android old and New versions. The notification appears expanded in Versions > 16. Let’s jump into the code… Below is the MainActivity that creates the notification. You can download the complete Android Studio Source Code from here.. Send your comments to

Show Download Progress in NotificationBar in Android with Notification Event Listeners

By | August 30, 2015

Below Sample code shows you how to download images from a url with progress in the notification bar. “NLService” Class is the actual Notification Listener class that can hear events in your notification. But before everything you need to be sure that, you have enabled notification access for your app. Make sure you add the… Read More »

How to find your Google Plus ID

By | May 6, 2013

This is so simple 1. Go to your Google + account ( 2. Click on the Profile icon on the Left. 3. If you look at the URL in the address bar, it should look something like this: 4. The long numerical string in the URL is your Google+ ID. Here is CoderzHeaven’s from… Read More »

How will you create a custom Notification in Android with a custom Layout?

By | September 13, 2012

This sample application does that. First create an xml for your notification. custom_notification.xml Now the java code.

Send Data when Clicking on a Notification in Android?

By | March 10, 2012

Hello everyone… I have shown in my previous tutorials on how to create notification in android and cancel it. This is the post showing this . Now today I am going to show how to send data when you click on the notification message. Here I am creating two activities. One the main activity that… Read More »

Using NotificationManager in ANDROID for showing notification, sample code.

By | March 18, 2011

Multiple Notifications are a unique feature in ANDROID phones. This tutorial will show you how to create notification from your application. ANDROID uses the NotificationManager class to create the notification. Let’s look at the code. Explanation. mManager.notify(APP_ID, notification); This line in the code sends the notification where notification is the object of the Notification class… Read More »