Tag Archives: cache

Awesome React Native Image Caching Libraries

By | July 4, 2018

Image Loading and caching had been a little bit pain in react native. In-fact react native didn’t had native support for caching. But after the recent release, there is now support for caching in iOS only. Still not for Android. You can read more about this from here https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/images.html#cache-control-ios-only Now these are the variety of… Read More »

PHP- Warning: session_start(): Cannot sent session cache limiter-headers already sent, ERROR

By | February 24, 2011

Most of the beginners in PHP while using sessions at the first time might have encountered a long error, starting with something like, Warning:session_start(): Cannot sent session cache limiter- headers already sent Fix : It’s too simple! Don’t ever leave atleast a single space before the PHP code (starting with