Tag Archives: Listview

Navigation Drawer Example in Android.

By | February 12, 2016

Navigation Drawer The navigation drawer is a panel that transitions in from the left edge of the screen and displays the app’s main navigation options. Displaying the navigation drawer Creating a Navigation Drawer The user can bring the navigation drawer onto the screen by swiping from the left edge of the screen or by touching… Read More »

Wave Scale Animation in GridViews in Android

By | May 23, 2013

Hello all Previously I have shown many posts where we animate each row of the GridView randomly, linearly etc. GridView RandomFade animation in Android and Cascade animation in a ListView in Android. In today’s post I will show you how to create a wave scale animation in the ListViews. Please refer to my old posts… Read More »

How to create a beautiful wheel animation in android?

By | May 25, 2013

Today’s post is about animation, a beautiful animation, exploring capabilities of android. You can click on the link to download the code. Here we will have three java classes and no XML files. 1. GraphicsActivity.java 2. PictureLayout.java 3. Sweep.java At first we start with PictureLayout.java Now our second java file, GraphicsActivity.java No need to declare… Read More »

How to use ImageSwitcher in Android?

By | May 12, 2013

You can read more about ImageSwitcher here http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ImageSwitcher.html Click on the link below to download the code. This is the layout that contains the ImageSwitcher What we will do is we will load some images into the Gallery and then load each image into the ImageSwitcher on clicking on each item in the Gallery. Here… Read More »

ListView Bottom to Top Animation in Android.

By | May 10, 2013

Like my previous posts animation chapter is again continued. This time the animation in on a ListView from Bottom to Top. You have already seen animations from Top to Bottom in my previous posts. See some of my posts here. All animation posts from CoderzHeaven is here Click on the download link at the bottom… Read More »

Creating a Drawable animation in Android.

By | May 3, 2013

This is a simple example of how to animate a drawable in Android. This example is from the official android demo applications. Here we have 5 java classes. AnimateDrawable.java AnimateDrawables.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java ProxyDrawable.java AnimateDrawable.java AnimateDrawables.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java ProxyDrawable.java Download the complete source code from here Join the Forum discussion on this post

GridView RandomFade animation in Android

By | May 2, 2013

In some of my older posts I have already showed a lot of animations on ListView and GridViews. Search coderzheaven for ListView and GridView animations if you want to see the articles and posts. This is also yet another post on animation. Here what I will do is create an animation in a GridView such… Read More »

Cascade animation in a ListView in Android.

By | April 30, 2013

Here is a simple example for cascade animation of a listview in android. We use these classes for achieving this. 1. AnimationSet Represents a group of Animations that should be played together. The transformation of each individual animation are composed together into a single transform. If AnimationSet sets any properties that its children also set… Read More »

Custom Spinner in Android Redone using BaseAdapter..

By | June 25, 2013

I have already shown another example of creating custom spinner in android in this post. That was by extending the ArrayAdapter class, Now it’s using the baseAdapter class. You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple… Read More »

How to load a spinner with values from SQlite Database in android?

By | November 18, 2012

Here is a simple example showing how to load a database values in a spinner in android. OK we will start. This is the layout for the spinner row. spinner_row.xml This is the layout for the interface. activity_main.xml Now this is the MainActivity.java file that uses the spinner and the database. Join the Forum discussion… Read More »

How to create a Slide from Left animation while deleting a row from a ListView in Android?

By | September 13, 2012

Hello all…… I have written a lost of posts on Listviews. You can see that by just searching Listviews in my site. Today I will show you how to create a slide out animation while we delete a row from a ListView. So this is the xml that contains the ListView. Let it be in… Read More »

ListView with Sections in android.

By | May 3, 2013

Hello all………. We have seen many posts about ListViews like creating a listview, adding data to it, customizing a listview etc. Take a look at some of these examples 1. Single Selection ListView in android 2. Flitering a ListView using an input from an EditText in Android. 3. How to create a custom ListView in… Read More »

CustomAlert without any custom Layout in android.

By | May 5, 2012

We can create a dialog with custom alert dialog with our xml in android. But for making simple alerts we can make custom alerts through code itself. Here is a simple function for this. Here I am having a Listview and an edittext with two buttons in the alertBox. Please leave your valuable comments on… Read More »

Single Selection ListView in android

By | January 17, 2018

Hello all….. In today’s post I will show you how to create a single selection list in android. Here is the main.xml Now this line in the java file creates the single choice. setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice, android.R.id.text1, names)); Now this is the full java code

How to create a custom ListView in android?

By | February 21, 2013

Hello all….. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to create a custom listview in android. For that we need 3java files. One holding the ListView itself another a Model object that holds the data for the listview and the third one for the Adapter which extends the ArrayAdapter class for holding the model.… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | May 15, 2016

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Customizing a spinner in android.

By | July 18, 2011

Hello everyone……… You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple example to customize a spinner. First we will look at the java code. The getView method is called for each row in the spinner. So with… Read More »

Listening incoming sms message in Android

By | May 1, 2011

When a new sms message is received by the device, a Broadcast Receiver is registered. For this IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(SMS_RECEIVED); registerReceiver(receiver_SMS, filter); should be included . Also sms are sent in PDU’s(Protocol Description Units) format, which act as an encapsulation. Inorder to extract from PDU to byte array messages[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdus[i]); method… Read More »

Android dialog with ListView

By | April 21, 2011

For implementing a ListView, we first create a xml which contains a ListView named list.xml Next we create a Dialog Object and inflate the above xml and when the listItem is clicked then a Alert Dialog windows comes The java file is listed below The alert window look like this When the Item is selected… Read More »