Category Archives: Common

Open Urls in Browser, In App, Make Phone Calls, Open Installed Apps in Flutter

By | November 24, 2019

This demo will show how can we Launch urls in a browser outside the App Launch urls in a browser inside the App Launch Installed app (eg:youtube) Make Phone Call. Watch Video Tutorial Add Dependencies To make all this work, we need the url launcher plugin. Open the pubspec.yaml file in your project and add… Read More »

Google’s Flutter Tutorial – Save Image as String in Local Storage and Retrieve – Preferences

By | October 16, 2019

In this tutorial we will see how to save an image as a string in preferences. Watch Video Tutorial Add Dependencies First thing we have to do is to add the plugins. Open pubspec.yaml file and add the below Dependencies. So Let’s start… First we will write a Utility class to save the image as… Read More »

Network Connectivity in Flutter

By | June 10, 2019

In this demo, we will see how to check network connectivity in flutter. We will see three different ways to check connectivity in Flutter. Watch Video Tutorial Add Plugin Method 1 Method 2 Using Subscription, we can subscribe to the network change events. Method 3 What if you want to listen to network changes through… Read More »

Download ZIP, Extract it and Show the images file in List in UI

By | June 7, 2019

Watch Video Tutorial     Add Plugins   For downloading, Extracting and saving ZIP in the device, we need some plugins. So open your pubspec.yaml file and add the below plugins.   The ‘http‘ package is for downloading the zip file, ‘path_provider‘ is for saving the file inside the device and the ‘archive‘ package is… Read More »

Using Gradient in Flutter

By | April 18, 2019

Here is a simple example of using Gradient in Flutter. Here we are just showing a demo of how to use LinearGradient in Flutter. You can even use the RadialGradient or SweepGradient in the similar way.   Watch Video Tutorial Here is the complete example of setting a LinearGradient in a Container. Please leave your… Read More »

Flutter – Tips & Tricks

By | April 6, 2019

Hello welcome back to another flutter tutorial. Here I will be showing some quick flutter coding tips and tricks.   Watch Video Tutorial     # Tip 1 – Dismiss Keyboard   To dismiss Keyboard, we have to set focus on a different node as shown in the example below using the Gesture Detector.  … Read More »

Flutter Tutorial – Shared Preferences (Android and iOS)

By | January 29, 2019

This article shows how to implement Shared Preferences in Flutter.   Watch Video Tutorial     Add Dependency   We will be using the shared_preferences plugin from Flutter to implement this.   You can go to this link and read more about it.   Go to your pubspec.yaml file and add the dependency.    … Read More »

Efficient use of Widgets in Flutter Container – Tip

By | January 12, 2019

  I am going to show how to efficiently make use of widgets in Flutter. This is a simple example of how to work with widgets in Flutter. Here we will be creating two widgets that looks similar, but let’s see how many hierarchies or levels of widgets are needed to create such a widget.… Read More »

Flutter Tutorial – Select an image from Gallery and show in Imageview

By | January 12, 2019

For selecting an image from the Gallery or Camera roll in Flutter, we need to include a library in pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies that is present in the root of your project. Demo Video     Watch Video Tutorial     Usage   To open the gallery     Show Image in the UI… Read More »

Flutter Tutorials – Form Validation (Android and iOS)

By | January 12, 2019

Hello friends, In this article I am gonna show you how you can do Form Validation in a very simple way in Flutter. Below is the demo of the app we are going to build App Demo   Watch Video Tutorial   Explanation Here in this demo, I will have two TextformField and a Button… Read More »