Tag Archives: UI

Carousel in Flutter

By | April 29, 2019

Carousels are an awesome way to show a list of images. We will be using a plugin to show the carousel in flutter.     Watch Video Tutorial Add Plugin   To use carousel we need to add the below plugin to our pubspec.yaml file https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/carousel_slider   So open your pubspec.yaml file and add the… Read More »

Flutter Tutorial – Select an image from Gallery and show in Imageview

By | January 12, 2019

For selecting an image from the Gallery or Camera roll in Flutter, we need to include a library in pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies that is present in the root of your project. Demo Video     Watch Video Tutorial     Usage   To open the gallery     Show Image in the UI… Read More »

Fancy SrollBar in ANDROID…

By | May 22, 2012

Hello all.. ScrollBars are our basic needs in a UI if we have to show a content that do not fit fully into our layout. A normal scrollBar doesn’t look so beautiful, but don’t worry ANDROID is so customizable that you can customize your scrollBar also. Here is a simple demo to make a custom… Read More »

How to get notified during an incoming call and get that number inside your program in ANDROID?

By | April 24, 2011

Hi all……. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to get the incoming phone number inside your application. In many situation we may need this. For this we need to have BoradCastReceivers. Inside this class we create an object of the TelephonyManager class ang register with the sytem service.Now we have to make another… Read More »

How to get the SMS sent to your emulator within your application? OR Get notified when an SMS arrives to your phone.

By | June 21, 2012

Actually these are done using services in ANDROID. These are called BroadcastReceivers.Your class has to extend the BroadcastReceiver class to get these broadcast events. But note that these services need to have an interface. So you will not see any UI on the device. But don’t think your application is not running or not installed.… Read More »

How to load a PDF in Titanium?

By | March 3, 2011

Loading a PDF file in Titanium may be sometimes our requirement for an application. For loading a PDF we need to have a webview inside a scrollview so that it is scrollable also. Take a look at this simple example. /** creating a window **/ var window = Titanium.UI.createWindow{}; /** creating a webview **/ var… Read More »