Tag Archives: mainAxisSize

TabbedAppBar in Flutter – Android and iOS.

By | April 26, 2019

Hello, welcome to another flutter tutorial. This tutorial helps you to create a top TabBar navigation with AppBar. The app will look like this below. Watch Video Tutorial This is actually simple and easy. Let’s start by creating the model class. Our model class is named “Choice“. Now we will create a list of Choices… Read More »

Flutter Tutorials – Form Validation (Android and iOS)

By | January 12, 2019

Hello friends, In this article I am gonna show you how you can do Form Validation in a very simple way in Flutter. Below is the demo of the app we are going to build App Demo   Watch Video Tutorial   Explanation Here in this demo, I will have two TextformField and a Button… Read More »

Doing HTTP Calls in Flutter and Parsing Data

By | October 3, 2018

Here is a simple example of doing Http calls in Flutter. In this example we will try to fetch some JSON value from the below url https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1 You can read more from here. Add Dependencies First you need to add the http plugin in dependencies. The latest version of http can be found here (https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/http).… Read More »