Tag Archives: Redone

Custom Spinner in Android Redone using BaseAdapter..

By | June 25, 2013

I have already shown another example of creating custom spinner in android in this post. That was by extending the ArrayAdapter class, Now it’s using the baseAdapter class. You all knew that a spinner or combobox is an inbuilt widget in android. And Like any other widgets spinners are also customizable. Here is a simple… Read More »

How to get table values from a MySQL database and show it in Android as Tables.?

By | January 18, 2017

Here we are accessing a mysql database and get the table values and show it in the Android side as tables. These are some tutorials that I have posted on connection with php and getting tablevalues. 1. Android phpmySQL connection redone. 2. Simplest Lazy Loading ListView Example in Android with data populated from a MySQL… Read More »

Android phpmySQL connection redone.

By | February 12, 2016

Hi all.. Most of our visitors had problem with one of our previous post on Android-php connection. So here I am posting another simple example to connect with a php file. Here I am simply putting an echo in the php file which ehoes back the data from the android side. Here are the things… Read More »