Tag Archives: getScale

Wave Scale Animation in GridViews in Android

By | May 23, 2013

Hello all Previously I have shown many posts where we animate each row of the GridView randomly, linearly etc. GridView RandomFade animation in Android and Cascade animation in a ListView in Android. In today’s post I will show you how to create a wave scale animation in the ListViews. Please refer to my old posts… Read More »

How to create a beautiful wheel animation in android?

By | May 25, 2013

Today’s post is about animation, a beautiful animation, exploring capabilities of android. You can click on the link to download the code. Here we will have three java classes and no XML files. 1. GraphicsActivity.java 2. PictureLayout.java 3. Sweep.java At first we start with PictureLayout.java Now our second java file, GraphicsActivity.java No need to declare… Read More »

How to use ImageSwitcher in Android?

By | May 12, 2013

You can read more about ImageSwitcher here http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ImageSwitcher.html Click on the link below to download the code. This is the layout that contains the ImageSwitcher What we will do is we will load some images into the Gallery and then load each image into the ImageSwitcher on clicking on each item in the Gallery. Here… Read More »

ListView Bottom to Top Animation in Android.

By | May 10, 2013

Like my previous posts animation chapter is again continued. This time the animation in on a ListView from Bottom to Top. You have already seen animations from Top to Bottom in my previous posts. See some of my posts here. All animation posts from CoderzHeaven is here Click on the download link at the bottom… Read More »

Creating a Drawable animation in Android.

By | May 3, 2013

This is a simple example of how to animate a drawable in Android. This example is from the official android demo applications. Here we have 5 java classes. AnimateDrawable.java AnimateDrawables.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java ProxyDrawable.java AnimateDrawable.java AnimateDrawables.java GraphicsActivity.java PictureLayout.java ProxyDrawable.java Download the complete source code from here Join the Forum discussion on this post

GridView RandomFade animation in Android

By | May 2, 2013

In some of my older posts I have already showed a lot of animations on ListView and GridViews. Search coderzheaven for ListView and GridView animations if you want to see the articles and posts. This is also yet another post on animation. Here what I will do is create an animation in a GridView such… Read More »

Different types of Animation – Push Up in, Push Up Out, Push Left in, Push Left Out, HyperSpace In, HyperSpace Out in a ViewFlipper in Android.

By | April 27, 2013

Hello all…. This is going to be a big post.. Check out my previous post for a rotate3D animation between a ListView and an Image. How to create a rotate 3D Animation between a ListView and an ImageView in Android? Today I will show you different types of Animations using ViewFlipper in a textView. Here… Read More »

CoverFlow in Android – Complete implementation with source code.

By | May 12, 2013

Have you seen the coverflow in iPhone. This is the Android implementation of CoverFlow. Please leave your comments if this article is helpful for you. Let’s see how. This is the CoverFlow class that extends the Gallery. Now the main activity that implements the coverflow. OK Done. Now go on and Run your project. Download… Read More »