Tag Archives: AttributeSet

Creating a custom Sliding GalleryView with Paging in android

By | June 17, 2012

This is a simple example showing A sliding Gallery in android. This example shows a sliding gallery with a paging Control and a changing page text which also indicate the page change. Create a new project named “SlidingGallery” and copy this code into “SlidingGalleryDemo.java“. My Activity name is “SlidingGalleryDemo.java” here. Now create a new class… Read More »

How to show a sliding window from below in Android?

By | June 28, 2013

Hello everyone, I have already showed you how to use a SlidingViewer to create a slidingWindow. Today I will show another way to create such a window with the help of animation. Please check one of my previous posts to do this in another way. How to show a sliding window from below in Android?… Read More »