Tag Archives: Uiview

What is a frame and bounds of a UIView in swift?

By | February 4, 2024

In iOS development using UIKit, a UIView is a fundamental building block for constructing the user interface. Two important properties of a UIView are its frame and bounds. These properties define the size and location of the view within its superview. frame: In this example, myView is positioned at (50, 50) within its superview, and… Read More »

iphone adjustable UITextField when keyboard popup

By | June 15, 2011

In iphone programming there is no direct method to move the UITextField above the keyboard. Instead we do some adjustment. Iphone keyboard occupies the bottom 216 pixels on the screen so the UITextField placed at the bottom will not be visible. Try this method The first function will move the UITextField to the position we… Read More »