Tag Archives: iOS

Custom Splash Screen in Flutter for Android and iOS.

By | July 13, 2019

Lets start with iOS Watch Video Tutorial iOS Go to the flutter project folder and open the iOS folder. You will see the runner.xcodeworkspace file. Open the file in Xcode. Now if you select the root folder and select the target and go the General Tab, Here just towards the bottom you will see an… Read More »

Animations made simple in Flutter using Animator Plugin

By | July 7, 2019

This is a simple demo showing how you can animate views in flutter using very little code. Watch Video Tutorial Here is the simple code in which I am showing all basic functions in different different functions. You can call these methods in the build method and execute all.

Firebase Storage – Uploading and Downloading files & Multi File Picker in Flutter

By | June 22, 2019

Watch Video Tutorial     This demo shows how to upload files to firebase Storage. For this demo we will upload only images to firebase Storage. Also I am doing any sign in to Google, this is completely anonymous. Let’s start… Add Dependencies we need three plugins for this example #1 Multiple File Picker This… Read More »

Using Gradient in Flutter

By | April 18, 2019

Here is a simple example of using Gradient in Flutter. Here we are just showing a demo of how to use LinearGradient in Flutter. You can even use the RadialGradient or SweepGradient in the similar way.   Watch Video Tutorial Here is the complete example of setting a LinearGradient in a Container. Please leave your… Read More »

Stepper Widgets in Flutter

By | April 15, 2019

Hello, Stepper is an awesome widget in Flutter. It makes developers job easy by writing less code.     Here we will have a UI as shown in the below screenshot.     First we will create a list of 3 Steps. Each Step will have a ‘title‘, ‘content‘ and isActive property. ‘content‘ can be… Read More »

Create Custom Widget(Button) in Flutter – Android or iOS

By | January 3, 2019

Hello friends, In this article, I will show you how you can create custom widgets in Flutter using Widget Composition. As you know Flutter is cross Platform, so this is gonna work for both Android and iOS. Watch Video Tutorial   Let’s start now.   I am going to create a custom button just like… Read More »

RNFirebase core module was not found natively on ios – Fix

By | October 28, 2018

This issue happens in react-native-firebase for a various reasons. First thing you have to do is check Firebase/Core is in your pods. Try Cleaning and rebuilding your project. Click on the target you are running in xcode and check the frameworks section in ‘General’ Tab -> Check you have linked libFirebase.a there. If not click… Read More »

Ionic Commands for building and Publishing Hybrid Mobile Apps

By | June 10, 2016

1. Desktop browser testing Testing your app in a browser is as simple as running the serve command in your project’s root folder. 2. Simulator testing You can also test right in the simulator using the cordova commands from the previous chapter. For example, to test in the iOS simulator, run: Substitute ios with android… Read More »

ld: warning: directory not found for option -F or -L, Xcode Error – Solved.

By | April 15, 2016

There are two errors like this that often happens with the Xcode. If it is a “directory not found for option ‘-L/…” error, that means it’s a Library Error, then Follow the below steps… Click on your project (targets) Click on Build Settings, Search for “Library Search Paths” Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths… Read More »

Customizing UITableView using “Prototype Cells” in iOS.

By | November 3, 2014

Hi all, In today’s tutorial we will study how we can customize a UITableView using “Prototype Cells” in iOS which was introduced in XCode 5.0. First Create a new Project and Name it “CustomTBLView”. Now you will get the Main.storyBoard file with other ViewController and Delegate Files. Open Main.storyBoard and “Drag” a TableView on to… Read More »

Handling Files in iOS

By | October 29, 2014

Hi All, In Todays article we will see how we can handle files in Objective C. The list of the methods used for accessing and manipulating files are listed below. Here you have to replace the FilePath1, FilePath2 and FilePath strings to our required full file paths to get the desired action. Comparing two file… Read More »

How to create a Slide from Left animation while deleting a row from a ListView in Android?

By | September 12, 2012

Hello all…… I have written a lost of posts on Listviews. You can see that by just searching Listviews in my site. Today I will show you how to create a slide out animation while we delete a row from a ListView. So this is the xml that contains the ListView. Let it be in… Read More »

Android hits 900k activations per day

By | June 11, 2012

The Google Android Army is coming again… Google’s Android platform sees 900,000 activations a day, according to a tweet from Android head Andy Rubin. The statistic, of course, doesn’t distinguish between smartphones and tablets, so it’s hard to get a clear picture of the Android ecosystem. See more about this new from here. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/android-hits-900k-activations-per-day/2012/06/11/gJQA1tlfUV_story.html

Facebook releases new camera app for iPhone.

By | May 27, 2012

The company has announced Facebook Camera for iPhone, an app dedicated to shooting photos, applying filters, and batch uploading photos to your Timeline. The app was developed independently from Facebook for iOS by the Facebook Photos team, Photos product manager Dirk Stoop told me, and is focused on letting you share photos as quickly as… Read More »

C++ program append the two text files

By | June 18, 2011

Three file objects are created using the fstream class one for first, second for second file and third for the appended file. The first two files are opened in the input mode and third in the append mode. The first file is opened and checked for error condition if the file exist its contents are… Read More »

C++ program to copy the contents of a text file to another

By | June 18, 2011

Two file objects are created using the fstream class for the two files, one for source file and another destination file. The first file is opened and its contents are copied to the second file using get ( ) and put ( ) function. Each time the source file is opened error checking is done… Read More »

How to create a scrolling ListView in android?

By | March 12, 2011

ListView is like a tableView in iPhone or iOS . In this example i will show you how to add a String Array in to the ListView and also make the listView Scrollable. First the xml file . Here the line android:scrollbars=”vertical” will make the scrolling vertically Now the java file The screen will be… Read More »