Category Archives: Xcode

ld: warning: directory not found for option -F or -L, Xcode Error – Solved.

By | March 29, 2016

There are two errors like this that often happens with the Xcode. If it is a “directory not found for option ‘-L/…” error, that means it’s a Library Error, then Follow the below steps… Click on your project (targets) Click on Build Settings, Search for “Library Search Paths” Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths… Read More »

Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for … Xcode can request one for you/This Certificate has an Invalid Issuer – iOS Issue Solved

By | February 25, 2016

To Solve this 1. Download 2. Double-click to install to Keychain. 3. Then in Keychain, Select View -> “Show Expired Certificates” in Keychain app. 4. It will list all the expired certifcates. 5. Delete “Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificates” from “login” tab 6. And also delete it from “System” tab. 7. Now… Read More »

Making a GridView in iOS using UICollectionView.

By | November 23, 2014

Hey all, In Today’s article you will study about the implementation of UICollectionView in iOS. It is similar to GridView in Android. First drag a UICollectionView [Not the Collection View Controller] in your interface and let it be there. we will come back to it later. We are going to create a UICollectionView with custom… Read More »

Download an image with ProgressBar in iOS

By | November 17, 2014

Hi all, Today I will show you how you can download an image showing complete progress. Make sure that you have an interface like the below image. You should link all the interface views with the corresponding variables in ViewController.h ViewController.h ViewController.m You can download the complete source code from here.

Creating a Custom Alert or PopUp in iOS

By | November 16, 2014

First we will write a class that extends UIView to create a Custom PopUp Create a Cocoa file and name it CustomPopUp You should get two files CustomPopUp.h and CustomPopUp.m CustomPopUp.h CustomPopUp.m I have a sample interface like this. Now the ViewController.m MAKE SURE YOU HOOK UP THE BUTTONS TO THEIR CORRESPONDING FUNCTIONS. You can… Read More »

Select an image from Gallery and show it in an ImageView in ios.

By | July 19, 2018

Hey all, This is a simple post showing how you can open the “Gallery” or “Photos” application in iOS. ViewController.m ViewController.m We add “UINavigationControllerDelegate,UIImagePickerControllerDelegate” to get the events after selecting the image from the Gallery. The below function is called after selecting image from Gallery – (void) imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage *)image editingInfo:(NSDictionary *)editingInfo You can… Read More »

Customizing UITableView using “Prototype Cells” in iOS.

By | November 3, 2014

Hi all, In today’s tutorial we will study how we can customize a UITableView using “Prototype Cells” in iOS which was introduced in XCode 5.0. First Create a new Project and Name it “CustomTBLView”. Now you will get the Main.storyBoard file with other ViewController and Delegate Files. Open Main.storyBoard and “Drag” a TableView on to… Read More »

Handling Files in iOS

By | October 29, 2014

Hi All, In Todays article we will see how we can handle files in Objective C. The list of the methods used for accessing and manipulating files are listed below. Here you have to replace the FilePath1, FilePath2 and FilePath strings to our required full file paths to get the desired action. Comparing two file… Read More »

Delegates in iOS – A Simple Example

By | October 27, 2014

Hi All, Today I am going to talk about iOS Delagates. This example shows how to write a common delegate for a mail composer in iOS. First I am going to crate a seperate class for invoking the MailComposer Modal view controller. The class is named “Common”. So Create .m and .h files for Common.… Read More »

Xcode 6 crashes when validating or submitting app archive.

By | October 25, 2014

Before somedays some people might have experienced this issue when you are trying to validate or while submitting, the Xcode just crashes. However its the problem with the XCode due to wrong programming practice or not a professional approach from Apple. Apple could have warned the user about what is wrong. There is a simple… Read More »