Tag Archives: Config

Ionic Commands for building and Publishing Hybrid Mobile Apps

By | June 29, 2016

1. Desktop browser testing Testing your app in a browser is as simple as running the serve command in your project’s root folder. 2. Simulator testing You can also test right in the simulator using the cordova commands from the previous chapter. For example, to test in the iOS simulator, run: Substitute ios with android… Read More »

How to enable retina Mode in Corona SDK? or How to work with images in retina Mode in Corona?

By | April 24, 2012

To enable retina mode in your application you have to first find the config.lua file in your project folder. Then edit this file to include the contents like this. You have to include images twice the size([“-x2”] = 2) and about 1.5 the size ([“-x15”] = 1.5) in your project folder. These images should have… Read More »