Tag Archives: Bar Menu

Dynamically Adding, Removing, Toggling and Removing all ActionBar Tabs in Android – Part 2?

By | September 25, 2012

Hi all.. In today’s post I will show you how to add actionbar tabs dynamically, remove one by one , hide and unhide them, removing all tabs at once etc. This simple java code does that. First create a project and in the MainActivity, paste this. You may be getting many errors, we will be… Read More »

How to start with ActionBar in Android?

By | May 2, 2013

With Android 3.0 Google eliminated the need of hardware menu button which is replaced by Action Bars. Here is a quick example on how to use ActionBars. First create a new project and name it ActionBarExample. Now create a folder named “menu” in res folder and create a new XML file inside it named “action_bar_menu.xml”.… Read More »