Tag Archives: localizedDescription

Solution for CoreData Multithreading problem.

By | February 6, 2017

This post is for people who are at least familiar with CoreData. But just knowing is not everything.. CoreData creates problems when you access them from different threads… Most common problems are listed below CoreData: error: Serious application error. Exception was caught during Core Data change processing. This is usually a bug within an observer… Read More »

Advantages of NSURLSession over NSURLConnection in iOS and Sample Demo Code

By | April 2, 2016

In an application we usually works with Data tasks – Data tasks are used for requesting data from a server, such as JSON data. These data are usually stored in memory and never touches the File System We can use NSURLSessionDataTask. Upload Tasks – Upload tasks are used to upload data to a remote destination.… Read More »

Contacts Demo in Swift 2 – Showing Contacts Picker, Load Contacts in Custom TableView, Add New Contact, Update Contact, Delete Contact, Search Contact

By | February 21, 2016

In Today’s post I will show you How to do below things in Swift 2… 1. Show Contact Picker using System In-Built UI & Pick a Contact 2. Load all Contacts in a TableView 3. Search a Contact 4. Add a New Contact 5. Update a Contact 6. Delete a Contact Before using the contacts… Read More »