Tag Archives: MaterialApp

Load data from internet to a GridView in Flutter with Retry Logic, JSON parsing and Error handling in Flutter

By | December 21, 2018

I am assuming that you already have some understanding about Flutter. If you have no information about Flutter SDK, then I could recommend first going to flutter.io and get the initial knowledge. Our Final app will look like this. You can watch the complete video tutorial from here… App will implement GridView JSON Implementation Error… Read More »

How to show a Snackbar in Flutter? iOS and Android.

By | May 15, 2018

Here is a simple example where the user clicks a button to show a Snackbar. We know that there is no inbuilt snackbar for iOS. But Flutter makes it easy to do without any custom native code. You can see a Demo video here. Here we use two main elements Scaffold Snackbar The Scaffold Widget… Read More »