Tag Archives: upload image to server

Flutter Tutorial – Upload Image in Flutter Using PHP

By | May 30, 2019

Today in this article we will see how we can upload image to a server using Flutter. Watch Video Tutorial     Add Plugins   First thing we are going to need is the plugin for networking and plugin to select image from camera or gallery.   Add the below plugins in the pubspec.yaml file.… Read More »

NSURLConnection – A Simple example – Upload image to server using POST method.

By | November 13, 2014

Make sure you setup the server and have gone through this post before reading this article. You can read more about NSURLConnection Class from here. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSURLConnection_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/NSURLConnection/ Here In this article I am going to select an image from the gallery and upload to a server using 1. Synchronous method 2. Asynchronous method – different ways.… Read More »

Uploading and Downloading of files – Popular and Useful posts from CoderzHeaven

By | August 31, 2012

Here are the links of my most popular posts on downloading and uploading of files to and from your android device. 1. How to download a file from a remote site in android? – Another simple example – Method -3 2. How to download a file to your android device from a remote server with… Read More »