Tag Archives: Google Plus

CoderzHeaven on Facebook, New Fan Page

By | June 13, 2012

Hai Friends.. PLease find us on Facebook for more updates. This is our new Fab page Url. http://www.facebook.com/CoderzHeavenFans By adding us on Facebook, you can get access to our new updates fast and get answers to your questions quickly. So please add us on Facebook. Please find us on Twitter also. https://twitter.com/coderzheaven

CoderzHeaven on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and MySpace

By | May 6, 2012

Hello……. Coderzheaven is now on MySpace also. PLease checkout our page at http://www.myspace.com/coderzheaven Fore more news on updates and exciting code snippets please add Coderzheaven to your connections in Facebook http://facebook.com/coderzheaven and Also find us on twitter and get the latest tweets on recent and most popular posts. http://twitter.com/coderzheaven Also find us on Google PLus… Read More »

How to invite / transfer all your facebook friends to google plus ?

By | July 15, 2011

Hi, As most of you know already, Facebook won’t allow direct transfer of your Facebook contacts to gmail or to Google Plus. Yup, they are rivals! But there is a very simple and easy way to transfer all your facebook contacts to gmail and invite all of them via google plus. Follow the simple and… Read More »