Tag Archives: Xml Java

How to show two different DatepickerDialogs on same activity with only one listener function in android?

By | September 5, 2012

In android for each time picker Dialog we can associate with a dialog. So with this dialog and a global variable we can have any number of Dialog listeners. Here is the sample java code. This is the layout file – main.xml MyAndroidAppActivity .java Please leave your valuable comments on this post.

Placing Controls in a Widget in Android and Listening to the events from them.

By | June 10, 2012

Hello everyone.. I have already shown how to create a simple widget and add it to the home screen in my previous posts. If you have missed these posts please check it here. How to create a widget in android? In the next post I showed you how to listen to a widget delete action… Read More »

Using WebView to call a function in android java code or How to use a WebViewClient in android?

By | January 1, 2012

Hello everyone Today I will explain how will you call a function that is defined inside the java android code from a webview. For this we need to add a webviewclient in android for the WebView we are adding in the xml. Then we have to register the webviewclient with the WebView we are creating… Read More »

Image transition animation in Android

By | April 27, 2012

Hello all… I have shown a lot of examples of animations in android. Today I will show you how to show an image transition animation between two images. For that you have to create an xml named “expand_collapse.xml” inside the res/drawable folder. The contents of “expand_collapse.xml” are Now in the main.xml place an imageView to… Read More »

How to change the default transition between activities?

By | May 23, 2012

In android the default transition between activities is to slide from left to right. But with custom animations we can change that. First create a folder inside the res/drawable folder called “anim”. Then create a file named “fade.xml” and copy this code into it. create another file named “hold.xml” in the same place hold.xml. activity_animation.xml… Read More »

How to set wallpaper in ANDROID?

By | September 20, 2012

Following example shows how to set a Bitmap as wallpaper in ANDROID. After running this code your wallpaper on the ANDROID phone will change. Make sure that you have an image named ‘my_wallpaper’ in your drawable folder. And You have to set this permission in the Manifest.