Create a polygon in Flash or Adobe AIR using Box2D.

By | February 5, 2011

The below function creates a polygon in the shape of a triangle. Please call the debugdraw function inside your update method to view the results. Make sure you import the Box2D classes into your file. public function init():void { debug_draw(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); createTriangle(); } public function createTriangle():void { var fd : b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();… Read More »

How to Implement Box2D in Adobe AIR?

By | February 4, 2011

Everyone will be fascinated how flash games are built on the web that implements the real world physics. Well for your information there are a lot of physics engines available. One of them is the Box2D. Box2D was written in C++. Then it was converted to flash. So now I am going to show you… Read More »

How to shoot a bullet in the direction of touch in Box2D iphone?

By | January 30, 2011

write the below code in “ccTouchesBegan” function and you are done. Here the ballBody represents the bullet body. You can increase the power variable to increase bullet speed.

How to rotate a body manually in Box2D?

By | January 24, 2011

The below code helps you to rotate a body in Box2D manually. Here the body is named “rotating_body” which is going to rotate and a sprite named “rot_sprite” is it’s userData, please give your own image for it. Make sure that you have it in your resources otherwise your program will crash. Note: call this… Read More »

Detect when the ANDROID Screen Goes Off ?

By | January 18, 2011

This is the main Java file that extends activity. Create a file named and place the below code in it. This is the class that extends the Broadcast receiver class that receives the notifications. create a java file and name it and place the following code in it. This the class that updates… Read More »

How to read and write an XML file in Adobe AIR or Flex?

By | January 15, 2011

AIR treats the XML files as just as normal file and so you can proceed using the FileStream classs. Please take a look at the sample code. Just copy and paste the following code to your main.MXML file and you are done. Please post your comments on this post

Add Context menu in Adobe AIR or FLEX.

By | January 15, 2011

This sample shows how to add a menu to your context menu or the right click of your menu in Adobe AIR. AIR Uses the ContextMenu class to add menu to your mouse right click. import; import mx.controls.Alert; // call this function to create context menu in AIR and FLex private function createContextMenu():void {… Read More »

How to Skin your Alert or ToolTip in Adobe Flex using actionScript?

By | December 26, 2010

The code below does this . Simply copy and paste the following code.. applicationComplete=”init()”> Alert { color : #124332; background-color: #ffffff; header-colors : #243322, #243322; header-height:19; drop-shadow-enabled: true; drop-shadow-color :#243322; corner-radius :10; border-style :solid; border-thickness: 1; border-color : #243322; footer-colors : #243322, #ffffff; title-style-name : “title”; } .myalertstyle { backgroundAlpha: 0.3; backgroundColor: black; borderAlpha: 0.3;… Read More »

How do you call an actionscript function from a html page and viceversa. How to you access the actionscript variable function from an HTML page in actionscript.

By | December 26, 2010

The following code helps you to do this. Save the following  code as am .mxml file The html file start.html

How to change background of your window in code using adobe flex builder in actionscript?

By | December 26, 2010

The following code helps you to do this. It uses the “setStyle” property of the window to change it’s background style. The following code changes the background color of the window to black on a button click. Just copy and paste the following code. Call this function on the click of a button This code… Read More »

How to add infinite backgrounds in Cocos2D, iphone?

By | December 24, 2010

You often may need scrolling backgrounds in your game or any other application. The following code helps you to add continuous backgrounds. Each sprite is added to the right of the current sprite which make them continuos. //Add more stripes, flip them, and position them next to their neighbour stripe. for (int i = 0;… Read More »

How to dynamically change image in a sprite in cocos2D iphone?

By | December 24, 2010

//Dynamically change the sprite image…… //my_sprite is a CCSprite already initialized with spriteWithFile. [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] removeTexture:[self.my_sprite texture]; CCTexture2D *tex = [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:@”new_image.jpg”]; [my_sprite setTexture:tex];